Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
The other alternative to the flaming skulls version was this one. Again i'm not really a fan of the swirls but i like the colors. Although i like the colors of the flaming skulls one too.....



Well-Known Member
The other alternative to the flaming skulls version was this one. Again i'm not really a fan of the swirls but i like the colors. Although i like the colors of the flaming skulls one too.....

That on is cool. I guess it has a carb? No likey sliders?bongsmilie

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm usually not picky, as long as it smokes.
I'm kind of picky when it comes to bongs for some reason.....
I used to have a bong that size, burnt my eyebrows.
I like that one.
The other alternative to the flaming skulls version was this one. Again i'm not really a fan of the swirls but i like the colors. Although i like the colors of the flaming skulls one too.....



Well-Known Member
I think it's time to call it a night. i gotta be up in 4 hours and it's not going to be pleasant. night guys and gals.