Waiting on Hydro System...


Well-Known Member
hello everybody...I just got some seeds started and the hydrosystem I ordered appears to be on delay.:spew: I was wondering what would be the best way to keep the plants alive until it gets here...I was thinking maybe planting them in soil in cups until my system gets here looks like its gonna be about a week later than planned...The seeds just split and were put in jiffy pellets in a propogation tray with a couple cfls on em.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Dont use dirt if you going hydro and the jiffy pellets thats even worst to use as it gonna be dirty and plants do so well in those in hydro as they hold way to much water.You want to use the seeds in rockwool or plant them in dirt and then pull female clones in rockwool for the hydro unit.Depends how many you have going you could have built a simple bubbler or aer setup if your growing like 6-8 plants at home for around under $50 and 30 minutes of time you can make one of those and start growing in that but you should always have your grow room and equiptment ready before evn thinking of starting.Now your gonna add stress and stunt growth or influence more chance for hermie plants.If you havent started them dont.If they are in put not popped take the seeds out and try to dry them back off might not be to late to avoid a seed waste


Well-Known Member
well I read jiffy pellets were fine to use for hydro...what I read and what my plan was to put the jiffy pellet plug into a cocotek cube which will sit in hydroton in the bucket style ebb and flow system the whole grow room was ready minus the system...the most important part and was supposed to be here today, but I thought a week in dirt or something wouldn't hurt em. They are already in jiffy pellets they were all cracked I put em in last night. One already started poking through.


Well-Known Member
You can grow them in a small tub until your system arrives.
Something like this is good for a week or so.

I would recommend that you start seeds in the coco coir next time.


Well-Known Member
yea that looks good I think I have pretty much everything I need to do that...two of the little ladies poked through today.,..yea next time I guess I'll start the seeds in something else, but I think I'll be ok though...turns out it may not be a whole week cause I found out that the system I ordered is supposed to be shipped from ab 2 hours away, I may try to pick it up this weekend


Well-Known Member
ok i get my system on thursday and a few roots are starting to stick out of my grow pellets, will they be ok till thursday or do i need to go buy some potting soil?


Well-Known Member
You could also do a mini Hempy bucket with cups and perlite. That would hold you until your system arrives. And it won't be as "dirty" per se as soil/jiffy.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for the reply, so i could just get some solo cups fill em with perlite then move my plants to that until my system gets here? ,can i buy perlite at a lowes or something or will i have to find a hydro store?


Well-Known Member
Lowes or Walmart should have perlite. To create the mini hempy bucket, you will have to create a hole approx 1 inch up from the bottom of the cup. Make the hole slightly larger than 1/4 inch. Fill the cup with perlite. Then add water until some dribbles out of the hole in the bottom.

That will be your temporary rez. The perlite should wick the water up to keep the seedlings growing. You probably won't have to worry about any nutes yet.

People tend to have outstanding results growing full plants in a similar setup using 2-3 Gallon buckets.

At any rate, that should hold you until your setup arrives.

You cannot overwater because of the drain hole. If the mini rez is dry (when tilted no water runs out) add more water. Check daily.


Well-Known Member
yeah man thats basically what i did and the things are growing really well...I actually decided to leave the plants in there for about five days while I setup the hydro system and get the water just right for the little gals... When the leaves start to resemble the ones in all the d.a.r.e. adds it really makes you proud. A bit of a topic change, but these little things seem to be responding really well when its kinda on the warm side, they seem to be okay with the tempz around 83.5 F . should i be worried ab tempz that hi?