Vulvic and humic acids are you familiar with these?

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Hey I'm from England and I don't spend much on nutrients...

I went to the hydro shop five weeks ago and was looking for a blooming nutrient and was not willing to spend allot so he put a few bottles one the table and explained then to me..
There was canna bloom, field marshal and some other brand so I got reading and field marshal was the the only one with vulvic and humic something made me get that..
So the point is read the ingredients on your label can you tell me the brand and if it has these two in please


Well-Known Member
Never thaut of drinking it nor put ir near my knob lmao.
But very good for plants I found a cheap British made bloom nute and it's pritty good I would say.
Hey man, you should read that book "teaming with microbes", i can guarantee you will know how to make your own soil and amendments from scratch. It's actually hard to not read the whole 200 pages one time lol. Anyways humic and fulvic is explained in the book. Its basically part of the soil biology and helps the plants health,pest resistance,vitamin and food uptake ect. There are alot of answers in that book for the questions asked by many in this forum. Torrent that shit if you need to.
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Well-Known Member
Hey I'm from England and I don't spend much on nutrients...

I went to the hydro shop five weeks ago and was looking for a blooming nutrient and was not willing to spend allot so he put a few bottles one the table and explained then to me..
There was canna bloom, field marshal and some other brand so I got reading and field marshal was the the only one with vulvic and humic something made me get that..
So the point is read the ingredients on your label can you tell me the brand and if it has these two in please
I believe you mean fulvic acid, not vulvic. It's a humic acid.


Well-Known Member
Lol that caught me off guard also.
You can buy fulvic acid solution for people. It's concentrated as a supplement. Add a few drops to your feed.

"Humic acid is not a fertilizer as it does not directly provide nutrients to plants, but is a compliment to fertilizer. Benefits include:
  • Addition of organic matter to organically-deficient soils
  • Increase root vitality
  • Improved nutrient uptake
  • Increased chlorophyll synthesis
  • Better seed germination
  • Increased fertilizer retention
  • Stimulate beneficial microbial activity
  • Healthier plants and improved yields"


Well-Known Member
By the way, Dexter. I have family in England still and the name is so rare it is still located in one locale there. Maidstone-on-Kent. Grigsby Lake is named for them near there. Dying to go meet them. See if they have any money.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Lool no wonder why I didn't get replys lmao I am abit special well my mum told us that looool.
It's warm in Kent and posh I'm up north mate shitter than Tyne lol Humber.
Anyway I cannot find online the ingredients of other flowering nutes like cana or anyone else..
I only know canna lmao because I used it once before but this field marshal if the dogs nakers plants love I tested it on my vegd plant and they are loving it too. And I think it's due to the acids mentioned above but written properly by @hotrodharley can you guys take a pic of your ingredients and post please. Only the bloom stuff and would help if you are in soil but any is good really
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Well-Known Member
Lool no wonder why I didn't get replys lmao I am abit special well my mum told us that looool.
It's warm in Kent and posh I'm up north mate shitter than Tyne lol Humber.
Anyway I cannot find online the ingredients of other flowering nutes like cana or anyone else..
I only know canna lmao because I used it once before but this field marshal if the dogs nakers plants love I tested it on my vegd plant and they are loving it too. And I think it's due to the acids mentioned above but written properly by @hotrodharley can you guys take aspic of your ingredients and post please. Only the bloom stuff and would help if you are in soil but any is good really