Voters Guide 2006


New Member
Ah, yes ...

Foley sends an Email to an of-age teenager to discuss sex.

Ted Kennedy gets drunk, drives off a bridge with a young girl who he is probably cheating on his wife with, swims to safety and leaves the young girl to drown in the sunken car. Kennedy reports the crime 15 hours later because he's too chicken-shit to take personal responsibility for his actions. Because he is well connected (and a Democrat) he gets a pass .... EVEN THOUGH HE HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN MANSLAUGHTER!

Nope ... there are no elites among the Democrats. *lol*



New Member
Ah, yes ...

Foley sends an Email to an of-age teenager to discuss sex.

Ted Kennedy gets drunk, drives off a bridge with a young girl who he is probably cheating on his wife with, swims to safety and leaves the young girl to drown in the sunken car. Kennedy reports the crime 15 hours later because he's too chicken-shit to take personal responsibility for his actions. Because he is well connected (and a Democrat) he gets a pass .... EVEN THOUGH HE HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN MANSLAUGHTER!

Nope ... there are no elites among the Democrats. *lol*

And Foley? turns himself into rehab, claims he's an alcoholic, and then stays in after his 30 days so the press can't interview him, no hypocracy here. And besides the Kennedy thing was 30 fucking years ago, the Foley thing is now! The well connected thing is true, I doubt the democrat thing made much difference, If Bush had a son and the same thing happened, If it even got to the press (I doubt that it would) I'm sure he'd not spend one day in Jail! I've already said there's no tie to Bush here, It's Hastert and his cronies that need to be taken to task here!


New Member
As I understand it, Foley is no longer viable. Kennedy sits there today.


PS: Bush doesn't have a son.


Well-Known Member
Look Foley is one thing, I think that those who covered up for him should be out of office. (Dennis Hastert included)


New Member
*lol* ... No I don't "know it." I DO know, however, that in this fine country of ours, we are considered to be innocent until proven guilty ... in spite of what Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Chuckie Bunns Schumer say.



New Member
Isn't it funny how Vi only reads what he wants to refute and everything else in the post is ignored. Example: He chided me on bush not having a son When I full well put an "IF" in front of the suggestion, and in the next post about Foley he posted "if-if-if", do you think the guy is one way or what. He can talk but his ears are closed or in this case his eyes! Wake up Vi, There's more to what I post than a sentence or a word, Just because You don't agree with me is no reason not to understand what you are refuting me about, Do you think I don't know Bush doesn't have a son, HFR!


Well-Known Member
What about 2 people who were in Dennis Hastert's own staff? They testified before congress that Hastert know about it over a year ago. You know Dennis Hastert (THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE!!!)


New Member
*lol* ... I think their ass IS on the line. We'll find out tomorrow night.

In my estimation, and this may suprise you guys, the Republicans deserve to be thrown out on their collective ears. They have gone from promising a smaller, more efficient government with their Contract With America in 1992 to becoming nothing more than outrageous, socialistic spenders. They promised to change our tax system from a slave tax to a simple excise tax and failed to deliver. They promised a smaller federal government and failed to deliver. The freshmen promised to term limit themselves, and with a few exceptions, they failed to deliver. A pox on them.



New Member
*lol* ... I think their ass IS on the line. We'll find out tomorrow night.

In my estimation, and this may suprise you guys, the Republicans deserve to be thrown out on their collective ears. They have gone from promising a smaller, more efficient government with their Contract With America in 1992 to becoming nothing more than outrageous, socialistic spenders. They promised to change our tax system from a slave tax to a simple excise tax and failed to deliver. They promised a smaller federal government and failed to deliver. The freshmen promised to term limit themselves, and with a few exceptions, they failed to deliver. A pox on them.

My god, quick pass the nitro, is this the combative Vi I've grown to love, No way, some evil Democratic spirit has taken over his mind. That about says it Vi, I disagree on some of their agenda, but not all. Smaller govt-yea! Term limits Yea! I'm not sure the excise tax would benefit the country or the citizenry so I'll have to say nay on that! a pox on them yea!


Well-Known Member
Ron paul reloveution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!