Vote Yes On Prop 19


Active Member
Do you want to change the future, or be a selfish asshole and only benefit just like the DEA is doing? Do you want legalization in the entire country, or pot smokers to still go to jail for having a small amount?

This is our future we are voting on.

This bill will create jobs, new businesses, it will not be the walmart of pot, china doesn't grow weed.

This is something that will benefit our COUNTRY, and not just one person, how patriotic are you?

Do you people understand that this bill allows research on cannabis? This is the BEGINNING of the end for prohibition in all of the U.S.

Studies will be made, the truth will fly high.


Active Member
besides the name, were els in the props literature dose it say legal or legalization.It doesnt..all it take about is taxes and regulations.Becuase thats all it does. This bill was not made to leaglize mj the only reason it in the title is to get people exited.this bill is designed to sipmly charge people outrageous taxes to smoke and grow weed. WHY DO WE NEED GOVERNMET APPROVAL.


Active Member
Have you read the bill? I have.

It allows a person to carry up to an ounce legally, thats called legalization.


Active Member
Ok, so just because it doesn't have legalize in the bill title your saying that the bill contents that legalize it are invalid? I dont see the logic in the argument your trying to make, the bill title does not determine the law what inside of it does.


Do you people understand that this bill allows research on cannabis? This is the BEGINNING of the end for prohibition in all of the U.S.

Studies will be made, the truth will fly high.
I'm totally on board for prop 19...only... I don't live in CA. Back in CT I know were hoping that it causes a ripple effect and hits home over here...FINALLY!


Active Member
yeah i know but its on the ballot and up to the hopefully it dosnt pass cause if it does similar measures might spread all over the state


Well-Known Member
yeah i know but its on the ballot and up to the hopefully it dosnt pass cause if it does similar measures might spread all over the state
It's gonna be interesting to see how this all plays out. I'm not in Cali but what happens there will affect me soon enough so I'm all for prop 19 but I can understand how a lot of guys don't want to lose their livelyhood. People will find there way around the laws as they always have, this just gives them competition.