Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
This is what my current cloner looks like https://www.rollitup.org/stealth-micro-cab-growing/489707-voidlings-first-cab-82.html#post8383299

My room temp is around 78 constant. Humidity is like 47.

I cut a long fairly soft branch. I remove the lower leaves and nodes and put it in a glass of water. I take multiple cuts.

Then I remove the cuts one by one and cut a 45 degree cut above the node I want it at.

Then I put it in the neoprene disks and put it in the cloner.

The cloner uses this pump http://www.harborfreight.com/264-gph-submersible-fountain-pump-68395.html

Uses these sprinklers ... well I can't find them on the home depot or the manufacturers website now :/

Run pump 15mins on, 15 mins off. I need a cycle timer to do better


Well-Known Member
Close as I can find http://www.lowes.com/pd_87864-1029-MLM-15_4294713115+4294726128__?productId=1103193&Ns=p_product_avg_rating|1&pl=1&currentURL=?Ns=p_product_avg_rating|1&facetInfo=Drip irrigation micro spray

Before that I used a plastic shoebox from walmart, drilled holes in the lid to drop the stems through. I put two long airstones across the bottom and powered it with a 10-30 gallon air pump. I originally had some success with this but more recent attempts failed for some reason so built new style.


Well-Known Member

So there are several thoughts.

I am running the KISS version of Lucas Formula which comes down to using 7 grams of Maxibloom per gallon. I add in 6ml of MagiCal per gallon as well. This seemed to work fine before when in coco and romulan and blueberry plants. I'm not sure if I need more N for these apollo plants.

Another thought is that the nute level is too high. The ec doesn't seem to be all that high in my mind but maybe it is.

The third thought is that maybe it is light bleaching from going from low cfl to led. The led is some distance up and running half power, so ~120w.

So my course of actions would be
1) Change nutes to add more N
2) Dump the rez and go half strength with these new clones coming out
3) Increase cfl light before transferring them over to the led

Any thoughts on most likely culprit and which solution is most likely to help? Which to try first anyway?



Well-Known Member
Two more cuts popped roots. 3 out of 18 so far
WOOT WOOT! are they all flower cuts?

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So there are several thoughts.

I am running the KISS version of Lucas Formula which comes down to using 7 grams of Maxibloom per gallon. I add in 6ml of MagiCal per gallon as well. This seemed to work fine before when in coco and romulan and blueberry plants. I'm not sure if I need more N for these apollo plants.

Another thought is that the nute level is too high. The ec doesn't seem to be all that high in my mind but maybe it is.

The third thought is that maybe it is light bleaching from going from low cfl to led. The led is some distance up and running half power, so ~120w.

So my course of actions would be
1) Change nutes to add more N
2) Dump the rez and go half strength with these new clones coming out
3) Increase cfl light before transferring them over to the led

Any thoughts on most likely culprit and which solution is most likely to help? Which to try first anyway?

Yikes not looking good... wish I knew what to tell ya since i'm used to soil i'm not sure... it looks more like a lockout situation to me than N deficiency, but it could be N deficiency... it's definitely not too much N they'd just be dark green it takes alot of N to curl apollo once it's mature. Are you sure there's not a pH issue that might be preventing proper nute uptake? also i'm guessing the roots look good? the only times i ever have issues on apollo is nute lockout due to improper pH or root rot due to overwatering/improper drainage. it's a really non-fussy, easy to grow strain you gotta work to fuck up ;) (at least in soil no idea on hydro) That doesn't really look like N def to me they would typically yellow from the bottom up or just grow slowly if they were getting some N but not a lot. If there's a standard amount of N in your nutes already then the only way they should look like that is if they're not taking it in properly.


Well-Known Member
PH looked to be at 6.0 using drops. I did that after the pics. Then put a little pH down in it just in case.

Only one grew roots out after transplant. Others curled and died quickly.

I'll go pick up some fert with higher N in Austin this evening.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how it gets a foot hold. It eats up the plant notes and uses up the dissolved oxygen in the water. It requires light to grow.


Well-Known Member
Rez is full of bleach water now. Hope to get it back up tomorrow. If this fails I guess I go back to coco.

Not sure why it semi worked the first time but complete failure now.


Well-Known Member
So I soaked everything in bleach water and rinsed them good.

Filled the tub with 7 gallons of water and added 3 teaspoons of maxi grow.

Temp was 78 so put in an ice bottle to lower temp. Will measure ec and pH when it chills.