violator kush grow goes cold!!!!.....w/ pics


so, im on week three of flowering 8 vk plants using the canna coco line of nutes and medium. this will be my 4th indoor harvest over a two year period, and second using canna. before that i used dwc and since then have never looked back. i would recommend it to anyone who can actually find a retailer. anyways this morning i go to check on the girls and bam!!! i get hit with a frosty blast of 40 degree air, and a dark room when the lights should've been on. i instantly started to freak out and look for the culprit. it seems that my essential dehumidifier had blown a circuit...4 hours earlier!!! i quickly reset the breaker and cranked the heat back up and a little while later was back up to the proper temp. now this isnt the first time this has happened. the first was about a week and a half ago, in which the same thing happened, only that time it was the heater. this has never been a problem before, even during the summer with an ac running constantly. well its been about two hours since i put the heat back on,they were a little wilty, but now they're perking back up. i just want to know how much damage, if any, this has caused. i've read and read all over the internet and cant seem to find any solid information for my specific problem. should i, at this point worry about my yield as long as it doesn't happen again? you tell me guys, i'm open to suggestions.thanks.

also, since i put the girls in 12/12, a few leaves on three plants seem to be eating themselves. i know i don't have an insect problem, because i've taken all the necessary precautions, outside the room is way too cold for them, and i haven't seen a bug in there since mid summer.anyways, thanks so much for the help.

**note pics were taken about 15 minutes after being found in the cold.



ya man i got mine from attitude, so far they've been a joy to grow. i just hope that temp drop didnt shock em too bad. its definitely a hearty plant. as far as canna goes, i dont think ill ever switch. although i have heard some things about home and garden products and how i guess its one of the main guys from canna trying to go his own way? the guy at a grow store i went to check out was telling me all about it. i dont know if theres any truth to it, but it may be worth checkin out. seeing how h&g's stuff is waaaaay cheaper. i dunno. well keep checkin in ill be postin more as i go. take care.