Very serious question guys.....


Too many brownies
maybe its just me but i think they fucking deserved it. I hate people who start shit when you are with your girl and there is more than one of them. I would have fucked then up and their car and not thought twice about it. I know a lot of peoples girls dont like them to fight but my girls down. If you dont want your shit fucked up dont talk shit in the first place. maybe thats just me though.
Dude there was a few of them and they where behind us in line at the concession stand nonstop commenting about me and my girlfriend. Anyways at the time I felt they deserved it and in a sense I still do trying to make me and my girlfriend look like idiots....Im just worried about my grow. If I would have seen them In the parking lot I would of gone after them but I noticed the car right near mine and just decided to give it a beatign instead. Anyways I dont know what the fuck I was thinking :evil: When they were talking behind us my blood was boiling the whole time. I said a few things back to them but nothing REAL mean or nasty.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying your a wuss or anything im just saying i would have done the same. You dont want to start a fight inside anyway. All the theatres around here have security guards coming out of their asses.


Well-Known Member
dont worry even if they came to your house they dont have the right to search or arrest you for anything else.

For example this will make you feel alot better.

I once had police came to my house because some idiot said i shot his car, i opened the door and they pulled me which that is illegal out of the house to arrest me(they have to have you outside your house) then they try to make me sign a search warrant which i didn't and spent like 2 hrs there till my mom decided to sign it. They then search my house for a gun which they didn't find because i was innocent but they did find drugs in my room and guess what? They can't do shit about it even if they wanted to(to get them their stripes). My situation was way worst then yours but i just wanted to tell u that to ease your mind, that is why i say whatever comes your way just pay for it.


Too many brownies
You have a grow in your back yard and no fence....shit now you got ME worried...
Ok let me rephrase that. I DO have a fence but it is a property line fence about 4 ft tall with barbwire, I live on 2 acres, so the fence would keep anyone FAR away from my house. Buuuut if a cop or someone decided to come up to my actual house it would be a little scary. My backyard is fenced on one side though....ill draw a picture of the lay out.



Too many brownies
dont worry even if they came to your house they dont have the right to search or arrest you for anything else.

For example this will make you feel alot better.

I once had police came to my house because some idiot said i shot his car, i opened the door and they pulled me which that is illegal out of the house to arrest me(they have to have you outside your house) then they try to make me sign a search warrant which i didn't and spent like 2 hrs there till my mom decided to sign it. They then search my house for a gun which they didn't find because i was innocent but they did find drugs in my room and guess what? They can't do shit about it even if they wanted to(to get them their stripes). My situation was way worst then yours but i just wanted to tell u that to ease your mind, that is why i say whatever comes your way just pay for it.
Yeah that sounds pretty damn bad and scary....anyways I appreciate you guys helping me even though I did something pretty stupid. I love all of you guys on rollitup without you all I would go crazy.


Well-Known Member
dont worry even if they came to your house they dont have the right to search or arrest you for anything else.

For example this will make you feel alot better.

I once had police came to my house because some idiot said i shot his car, i opened the door and they pulled me which that is illegal out of the house to arrest me(they have to have you outside your house) then they try to make me sign a search warrant which i didn't and spent like 2 hrs there till my mom decided to sign it. They then search my house for a gun which they didn't find because i was innocent but they did find drugs in my room and guess what? They can't do shit about it even if they wanted to(to get them their stripes). My situation was way worst then yours but i just wanted to tell u that to ease your mind, that is why i say whatever comes your way just pay for it.

Thats true. They will take whatever they find but they cant charge you with it because its not on the warrant. They can only charge you with what they wrote on the paper.


Too many brownies
I woulda kicked ur ass then "proceeded" the punch your girlfriend out if you kicked my car.
Well im sure your not five little punks (that look 16-17) standing behind me in a movie theater line talking shit for 10 minutes while i wait my turn. I would have rather gotten a misdemeanor for smashing their car, than being arrested on the spot for beating up a few underage kids. If you were acting like them I would have done the same to your car or maybe you yourself and trust me I can defend myself buddy so dont try and talk like a hard ass, also your real cool saying you would punch out a girl....I came on here looking for help from my friends not to be threatened by some punk.

haha anyways thanks for the info on warrants that is very helpful


Too many brownies
Anyways I feel a lot more relaxed today guys I was getting a little paranoid last night and im sure you guys can guess one of the things that helped attribute to that...its 1:30 and I still haven't heard anything. :peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
if it was night time and depending on where the camera were they might not have caught your faces or plate.. i wouldnt go back there for while (personally id never go back) and hopfully you dont run into the people you did it to. you shouldve just kicked their assess. atleast you would have gotten your arrest on the spot and not your house


Too many brownies
if it was night time and depending on where the camera were they might not have caught your faces or plate.. i wouldnt go back there for while (personally id never go back) and hopfully you dont run into the people you did it to. you shouldve just kicked their assess. atleast you would have gotten your arrest on the spot and not your house
At the time the movie theater had 4 cops walking around. Theres lots of fights and i have been involved in one previously. I would have loved to kick the fuck out them instead but cops were standing 10 ft away from us and I would have most likely gotten only a punch or two in which did not seem worth it. But like I said when I saw their car I went into a slight rage. Trust me I dont plan on going back, the theater is filled with 100's of little assholes and something like this always happens. plus the place is dirty as hell from all of them. Oh and yes it happened very late at night. :peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
they deserved it you must defend your womans honor and you did. now they pay. I think no one is comming to knock on your door. they are lucky you didnt do anything worse:blsmoke:


Too many brownies
The first comment they made was "whats up with everybody wearing those stupid fucking shoes" referring to my girlfriend. Then I told him to watch what he says. He then proceeded to call me a bitch and my girlfriend an ugly whore. I then turned around completely, and looked him in the eyes and told him to walk away. So he says "what are you gonna do about it dickhead" (he said something like dickhead not sure I was really stoned wanting to see the damn movie) anyways at this point my blood started boiling. My girlfriend grabbed me and motioned towards the cops and said "You guys are lucky your about 16 years old". After that they nonstop mumbled a bunch of derogatory terms under their breath for about 5-10 minutes while we waited in the monster line at the concession stand. All I could hear was bitch, slut, asshole, etc. Now im only 20 years old but thats still old enough for me to be arrested and charged for assaulting a minor.