very first try at growing with a speed bump


i just picked up a clone of banana kush that was healthy and a little bit more than a foot tall. my speed bump came day two after potting when my dog decided she liked the taste of soil and disturbed the soil a bit and it began to droop. its been 2 days and i believe some of the smaller newer leaves towards the top are coming around, however the beautiful big fat leaves have wilted away. should i clip the completely wilted leaves off or just leave it and hope for the best? i am a complete newbie when it comes to caring for any type of plant, so forgive me if my questions are lame.

its in a 5 gal pot outdoors
i used an organic miracle grow soil and added perlite.
since the drooping ive added vitamin b1 to the water, but just read that b1 helping transplant shock is a myth.
the clone is in what i believe to be a rockwool cube. it was approx a 6 in block with a little 2 in block in the center.


Active Member

Yo sounds like your baby needed some water man, I wouldn't remove any leafs unless its dead leaf
Getting a clone in all that fancy rockwool blocks, makes me think the grower you got it off dont fuck around , PROP gonna have Stink Dank nug

Keep it real homie
Ok, now today seems to show a tiny bit of curling/yellowing on the tips of some of the smaller leaves that seemed to have perk up a little.

ya his plants all seem real healthy and shiny


Active Member
as long as your new growth (at the top of the plant) is a nice healthy green I wouldn't get too worried just yet. just sit back and wait it out. make sure it has water that's it. you cant do anything right now. if you go adding a bunch of shit or doing anything like that you're just gonna make it more complicated for us and yourself. get some pictures up if you can, but i repeat only water. stick your finger down in the soil about two inches if it damp or even moist it dont need water. you can also tell simply by lifting up the pot right after you water then when the soil is dry. eventually you'll get good at it and youll just have to pick it up an inch and know immediately if it needs water or not.
here is a shot of when i got er home, ill take another shot tomorrow afternoon. i removed the completely dried up and wilted leaves. poor thing is sad looking right now.



Well-Known Member
here is the best i could get of the sad girl.
Ouch, dog did a number on this one. If you baby it, it should easily outgrow the damage. I'm not sure what it is about dogs and cats, probably the saliva/oils...herb plants hate it. If my cat so much as nibbles on a leaf, the entire leaf eventually dies. Having it outdoors will help, natural sun is a great infirmary.
i went to wal mart and got a pool ph tester and my tap seems to be between 7.5-8.also i think ive been over watering due to panic, so ive let the soil dry out a bit today, and tomorrow ill see if i can find some treatment to bring the ph down.
this site rocks, everyone has been very helpful:clap:

ive got my ph right and ive started the flush.

here are some pics from today, seems to look less yellow now.
can anyone tell anything defic/abund wise from the pics?




could be, after the dog dug it up i started adding miracle grow startup.
dude thats definately it. the miracle grow soil youre using already has a shit ton of nutes in it. ive burned mine before using miracle grow soil and then adding nutes....DO NOT ADD ANY MORE NUTRINTS! they will come back to life


Well-Known Member
Damn, it looks rough. but give it time and it will recover. try not to mess with it so much. get a moisture meter so you can tell when the plant is still wet and not over water it.


Well-Known Member
Overferted + watered IMO. If you fert with anything, only use micronutrients as microgrow is a bit lacking in those but very rich in NPK. And only do it every so often (once a week maybe) as that soil is going to hold onto whatever you feed it. She can recover still, good luck.


Well-Known Member
could be, after the dog dug it up i started adding miracle grow startup.

do you think the soil flushing with the proper ph water and no nutes will help correct that?
Ditch your entire medium and transplant into better soil, you will never get that MG corrected b/c it isn't balanced properly to begin with. The problem with MG soil blends is you actually have to learn how to use them. And by the time you figure that out, you realize you didn't want to use the stuff to begin with.