Very first Grow - Nute question - Pics Soon!

Hey guys, this is my very first grow, i'm using CFLs. Only growing for personal use. I just got some Jacks all purpose and Jacks Bloom Booster. I'm 2 weeks into flowering, and was wondering what should i give them? Unfortunatly they are in potting soil MG, i know, i know.

But, should i hit them with 1/4 strength bloom booster??? or are the time release nutes in the MG enough?
I've heard your not suppose to give bloom booster throughout flowering, so i was looking for a nute schedule kind of deal. Pics very soon!!!
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
if your plants look ok right now you can choose to or not to feed. one mistake I had with my first grow was overfertilizing and burning my plants. Definitely experiment with a low dose of nutes and see how your plant reacts.