vertical one or two plant


never tried vertical befor and would like to know if its possibel to run veryical on one or two plants. ive got a small closet 60-65-180 cm and a 400 hps. i know i need a cooltube for this hps.
is vertical an option?thnks

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Seems rather pointless. The whole point of vertical is you don't have to worry about spending good money on a reflector to try and get all the light to the plants, but instead the plants can grow all the way around the bulb so can get every lumen it is putting out.

Vertical is certainly an option with 1 plant, but you might as well just go the conventional route. It's not really going to offer you any benefits doing things vertically.

I have never tried vertical, although wish too, but for reference, my cupboard was 60cm x 100cm by 250cm and i had a 600w hps in there plane jane style and it did just fine. the size of the cab wasn't an issue that wouuld force me to go vertical. By your dimensions, you should be able to get a regular grow into that closet without too much issue.


Well-Known Member
You want at least 3-4 plants to make VERTICAL worth it, I mean where would you put 1 Plant? not under the middle, that's a dead spot really, next to naff all Lumens, most peeps that go Vertical also Stadium grow..Like TipTopToker says you can but why would you(1 Plant) I have done Veritcal with 1 grow, when I started(with Bag seed) and pulled 4oz of 4 plants, not great I know, but I was HAPPY! and this was with a Giant 200w CFL(Vertical) no reflector and Matt white walls in a 4' x 4' x 8' cupboard.



Well-Known Member
Im running 3 at the moment , and they filled up the screen beautifully, with another week or 2 of veg I could have filled the screen with 2 plants easy ,
Infact iv just build a wardrobe 1x1x2 m and will be running 2 sativas at a time , topped early vegged for 8 weeks and and flowered with 2 stacked 600w hps,
I would love to run 6 at a time but with 2 in flower and 2 in veg at any time , I have no more that 4 plants , if get caught with more than 5 where I live your up shit creek with no paddle

1 plant vert grow would just be a pain in the ass though


Well-Known Member
1 plant would be better for scrog. Im Running a small vert with x2 400w mh and 2 plants. But both are well vegged and stretch Sat Dom. But 3+ average size plants would be ideal