VERTICAL AERO - 6" White pipe


Well-Known Member
Too much Barricadce will keep the pH on the rise.

It is best to use just enough Barricade or silica blast
to bring the pH up to minimum
and then it should stabilize.

I always use an eyedropper when adding Barricade/silica blast.
Just a small amount is all that is needed.

Also some calmag will lengthen the stability time.
I try not to go over 100ppm calmag
and 50-70ppm is probly better
depending on your nute load.

I am using botanicare calmag-plus
and it does not change the pH but it will stablilze it.

About the time you get the pH really locked in,
it is time to flush and start over.

After a few tries
you can get ahead of it,
and get the pH stable for 3-4 days.

My pH drifts from 5.3 up to 5.8
in my 20gl aero system
in about 3 days.

I use about 1ml Barricade for the 20 gl


Well-Known Member
Here are some of the nutes and saviors I use
Here is a little of the cluster-fuck of a room I work in..... My 7.5x7.5x7.5 room is framed up inside of another room that is 10' by 12'... U can see the fans are set outside the room and I use those special timers there for short interval watering... They each operate a high flow water pump to power the spray heads



Well-Known Member
And here are a few shots of the room... 8 weeks of 12/12 today.... sorry for the lack of pic quality... you know HPS is shitty light for pics.... I have lots of purples going on right now, low temp levels are doing their thing...
Nute Monitor sits in reservoir 24/7 and measures PH/TDS/ and water temp... Temp monitor sits in room and gives internal temp and humidity..... I know most of you understand all this, but just want to elaborate for the youngsters out there



Well-Known Member
Sweet !

Nice to have all those gauges.

I can see the purple color in your bud picture.


Well-Known Member
Sweet !

Nice to have all those gauges.

I can see the purple color in your bud picture.
Thanks Earl..... I wish I could capture the herb in it's true essence.... perhapps I can get some good shots when I cut it... Maybe fluorescents will give more of a true pic... I am a terrible photographer


Well-Known Member
Just wait until the lights are off
and then you can snap a couple of good shots.

Or you can use a blue filter if you have one.
A pair of blue tint sunglasses
held over the lense
will work.

If your camera has a "backlit " mode
that will adjust the color somewhat.


Well-Known Member
hey lostcoast once you harvest can we get a couple shots of the system empty? is it a semi-circle like Heath Robinson or a vertical standing pipe?


Well-Known Member
hey lostcoast once you harvest can we get a couple shots of the system empty? is it a semi-circle like Heath Robinson or a vertical standing pipe?
two almost full squares, minus the space to walk in and out of the room.... One about 14 inches off the ground and one at 42 inches off the ground.... All 6' white pipe... My mist plumbing is encased within the 6 inch, spray heads are screwed directly into half inch pipe.... Pumps from one reservoir and drains into another... One of the hardest things was just making sure everything ran at a downgrade, but not too steep and not too flat.... Once the roots get thick the water really pools up when it's not sloped enough


Well-Known Member
If you notice from one of the picture above, it looks like it's behind bars... The whole room is framed in with wire fence from floor to ceiling... This allows me much easier branch manipulation... Green Bastard did a whole shit load of tying, I decided to go with a similar style to scrogging