ventilation question


Active Member
Hello all, I just finished my grow room build, its fully framed and sheetrocked and painted. No holes have been cut yet and i have 2 1000 watt hps lights with xtrasun hoods w/ glass and 6 inch ducting mounts. I am not gonna use a/c i just want to use fresh air. The room is 16' long 8' wide and 8' feet tall. So i need to know how much fresh air i should push into the room and how much air i need to push out of the room. So like what kinda fans would i use to get this done. Im on a budget is getting tight. I do have one 4" fantech fan and a 6" booster fan already. but not sure where to use them. thanks for any feed back and if you need more info just ask. I am usaully stoned so i might have left something important out.


Well-Known Member
Your room is 1024 cubic feet, so you need an exhaust fan that can ventilate your room in a minute or so. You need a centrifugal fan for both exhaust and intake. I would use a fan like this High Tech Garden Supply for the exhaust and one like this High Tech Garden Supply for the intake. If the room is sealed, the exhaust will create negative pressure and help the intake draw in adequate air for the room.

That is what I would do.


Active Member
thanks fellas. i just heard you want more air going through the exhaust then air going through the intake. So i got all confused. I love this site you guys are always helpful. i wish i was more knowledgeable so i could help people.


Well-Known Member
You do want more air being exhausted than on the intake. If you want to use the fans you have now, then put the Centrifugal Fantech 4" at the top of your grow room so that it exhausts air out and put the weaker fan at the bottom to bring air in. This will also create some negative pressure to help the weaker fan bring air in. You'd ideally have stronger fans, but you could set it up with what you have now and when you get the bucks, get something like what I linked to above.


Active Member
awesome man thanks alot. I think im just gonna do what you said and use the fans i have to cool the lighting. i think i might be able to sqeeze the cash out of somewhere for those fans. there is actually a local company who might save me a few dollars Hydrofarm - Fans / Blowers / Filters