Vegging with cfls for a month need some help


Active Member
hey im planning on vegging my plants with cfls for about a month inside before moving them outdoors at the end of may. What kind of setup would be good and cheap i dont want to pay 100 bucks for only a month of lighting but it needs to be good enough for 9 plants growth over a month. What would be best setup for my situation?


Well-Known Member
Hey I am planning on doing the same thing so i would suggest you look into a rubbermaid grow. Cheap Stealthy and Effective
Get a lot of 6700k cfl's. The 6700k ones usually say daylight on them. Try to get at least 42w cfl's but you may only be able to ffind 26w. If this is the case just get A LOT of them. You can use the work lights with the cages. Just take the cages off and get the little adapters that let you put 2 bulbs in a socket. Put them in a box and put the lights VERY close to the plants. Paint the walls white.