Vegatative Lighting


Well-Known Member
For a while now Ive used T5 fixtures for veg growth. They are effective and efficient. But some strains seem to never really harden up or build enough vigor to maximize their potential. Using the T5 fixtures were cheap and easy to use. They produce low heat and can be set up with multiple bulb spectra i.e. (Red, blue).

Using Metal Halide (MH), for a while, seemed cumbersome and the efficiency or cost of operation was higher. But since using DE/MH 1000w I am switching over all the veg lights to DEMH 1000w.

After finishing a full garden through DEMH to DEHPS the numbers don't lie. The quality was improved and the yield was improved. The footprint of the DEMH I'm using is 6x6 which allows for more intensity over a larger area.

Besides the final yeild, the resin and plant health were dramatically improved. The plants ate more, developed more, and light burn in bloom became less impactful.

I'd like to know if anyone has ever use induction lighting in veg vs. MH.