Veg. to Flower and Back Again


Well-Known Member
I need to move three Aurora Indica plants into my drip system with a Northern Lights x Early Girl that has been flowering for four weeks. I remember reading somewhere on this site (although I can't find it now) that allowing a plant to flower and then taking it back into veg could reduce the potency of that plant. What I planned on doing is cloning these plants once I see which ones are female (if any). This is necessary due to time and space constraints over which I have no control. Also one clone at least will be used for a mother plant, so I don't want a mother plant that isn't as strong as it could be.


Well-Known Member
If it were me then I would wait to take clones a couple weeks AFTER reverting back to the veg stage, possibly a little longer, just to be on the safe side.


Well-Known Member
I agree... Let the plant get fully back to the veg stage. As far as potency, I wouldnt agree to the reduction of potency. If anything I would think in the long run you would have a stronger plant. I look forward to others views on the potency affect. I have done it with an outdoor plant. With the ecception of letting the plant mature fully harvesting about 80 -85% and letting it go again the next year.. I liked the following year better and seemed more potent.... but lets see what the pros say... :peace: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The plant that I'm taking the clones from isn't going back into veg. the clones are. I wasn't very clear about that. Potency is the only issue I want to know about, I don't see what else could be a serious problem, but that's why I opened the thread.


Well-Known Member
If so I wouldnt think that is a good idea. I would bring the older one back to veg. then clone it.


Active Member
While I've never actually taken a clone from a flowering plant, all the research (Rosenthal, Cervantes, HT, etc) I've done has led me to believe that taking clones from a flowering plant is ill-advised. However, let us know how that works out.



Well-Known Member
I've taken clones from flowering plants although they were only 3 weeks into bloom. Everythings going great.

Why not just continue to let them veg, they will show sex in veg if they are allowed to reach maturity, then when your clones have rooted they will be mature also. It seems senseless to put these plants through unnecessary stress.


Well-Known Member
It is senseless to put the plants under unnecessary stress, however I don't have the time or the space to allow them to fully mature. I wouldn't do this if I had another option but I don't. The Northern Lights x Early Girl had pistils when my friend first gave her to me, I put her back into veg. now I'm flowering and everything appears to be ok. I was only wondering about the impact on the potency of the plant, as I said I read somewhere on this site that it would decrease the potency. No one else has said that so maybe I was mistaken. Also the minute these plants show their sex I'm going to clone so maybe 1-2 weeks in I hope, not sure how long it takes Aurora Indica as I've never grown this strain.


Well-Known Member
Dont know about potency, but I recently took clones as soon as I saw pistils. It was 9 days into flower. The clones look good, there was no recovery time, and everything is going smooth. I am in the same boat as you with the space thing sizzly.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me! I put three of them into flower yesterday, but had to leave the fourth one under the fluoros (space issues again). I have one 400 watt MH and don't want to try and jam too many plants under it, so I try to keep it at four or less. Anyway we'll see what happens. Thanks for the input everyone. :blsmoke: