Veg stage HELP

Im growing my auto pineapple express and i was just wondering, is there much point in feeding it during the vegetative stage? because im growing with soil and it provides the nutrients for the first 5 weeks and i dont want to burn my plant, should i feed it? How often and how much?

Also when do i switch to the bloom nutrients? As soon as i see bud sites or what?


Well-Known Member
I feed when the plants indicate the need and not before. Today's fortified garden soils make feeding during veg of 30 days or so unnecessary. I do feed 1/4 strength grow nutes before switching to flower cycle and then withhold bloom nutes until first feeding then. Always start at a reduced strength such as 1/4 strength and progressively increase the percentage of nutes.

Feed, water, water is the most common cycle used but everybody does it differently. Many will come now and offer advice. Listen to those who offer advice in earnest and let the trolls eat dog waste.