UVB bulb help


Well-Known Member
I picked up a uvb bulb after reading about them here, my trichs were few for six weeks of flower also found my light to be to high (Im new to game flowering first time)I lowered my 250w hps to about

the grow god smile on y a few weeks left. If to late now I know for next time.

Back to UVB bulb hope not to late to get some benevfits from it as well but can someone tell me how far to put UVB10
from flower tops

much thanks may


Well-Known Member
the closest u can put it with ur hand above the canopy without feeling discomfort is what ive read in many places, i dont use an HPS tho, so im not 100%


Active Member
Alright, this is my first grow
Seeds are from mids (indica) I got months ago
150 w HPS light
Cabinet from home depot for $60
Lightweight fan (low and high setting only)
Miracle grow potting soil grow mix (provides nutrients; nitrogen, potash, phosphates for 3 months)
2 plants in one pot
Couple o questions:
1. will growing two to one pot stunt my plant growth and yield?
2. is miracle grow bad to grow with
3. i will keep posting as they grow


Active Member
I've been using 2 reptiglows in my hps/ufo/fluoro grow.I have 3 plants 4 weeks into flowering, and I 'm amazed at the tric developement already.Oh, my grow spaces are only 4 sq ft each I figured 2 should cut it.Leaving them on all through the flowering phase the whole time with no prob heres a few pics



Active Member
bf74: do you mean you only have the uvb on when the main lights are running?

or did u mean you use the uvb every hour of every day, and the main lights for flowering?

excuse my ignorance

and RichED: if its a fluoro UV light you can have it as close as possible..



Active Member
bf74: do you mean you only have the uvb on when the main lights are running?

or did u mean you use the uvb every hour of every day, and the main lights for flowering?

excuse my ignorance

and RichED: if its a fluoro UV light you can have it as close as possible..

I'm sorry , I didnt clarify-yes the uvb is only on when the main lights are running- and only in the flowering tent. peace