USA Seedbanks?


The Baddest Bitches Seed Co is U.S. Based & I believe they'll do good cause they're in a legal state & they hook it up , I'm running some of thier BlackBerry God , ShiskaBerry , BubbleBerry , & Sour Grape Cookies right now. Got 2 sour grape cookies for free with my last order from them so I'm excited for those because they got some good gear


Well-Known Member
a little secret..
the Jah Earth Collective is specializing in a unique group of world class breeders and is housing their stock in more than one country (USA, Canada, etc) so you can order from wherever you live and get what's good without a long delay or any hassle! Plus they give the sickest freebies away (you get to choose), got discreet and overnight shipping avail, And monthly Exclusive Menu's that rock de earth, mon.. hit up a rep 24/7 for a live chat and run down! jahearthcollective420 on IG! They got exclusive rights to the crazy gear of DonGravy from Canada and Rm3 from CO USA!! More worldy exclusives on way!!

Keep an eye out for our RIU ad this next few weeks!!