Updated day 13 problems *PICS!*


Well I had posted a thread on some of the problems I was having so I'm creating a new one with pics!

Okay here's the low down.

12 cfls 26w a piece.
6 plants, 1 bubba kush and 5 aurora.
13 days after sprout.
No nutrients just distilled water.
70% fox farm ocean forest 30% perlite.
Misted the top soil for the first few days of life then watered twice since then.
They are all in 16 oz solo cups with 24/7 lighting.

I am having problems with growth rate, sad looking leaves that droop and curl in, the bubba kush is folding its leaves in like a taco, and one of my babies has brown spotting on the lower leaves. I also added a pic of what I consider to be the "healthy one"

Any advice on what is going on here and how to stop/change it would be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
i think your simply burning your plants with those CFLs, i have started all my seedlings under cfls, and have had the same problem. back them lights up 2-3 inches, and get a fan blowing fresh air to them. it could be something else, but you always wanna try the simplest fixes befor you do something dramatic ya know.


Well-Known Member
and your soil looks a bit dry and crunchy, is your room dry and arrid, or humid?
you dont want the soil to dry completely inbetween waterings.


Yea its really dry but everyone keeps saying that I'm over watering them. I was wondering if I should be misting the top layer of soil lightly everyday? I put my finger under the cfls and they do not feel hot or even warm.
It's pretty dry and cool in there and lots of fresh air.
I could still back them up a few inches though that's a good idea seeing how the one that is doing well is a few inches farther from the lights.

Thanks a lot for the response, anyone else is welcome to chime in Thanks!


Well-Known Member
they seem FAR from overwatered to me, i think there seeing the drooping leaves and automatically saying its overwatered, but when a leaf is to close to the lights it will curl down, edges will curl up "like a taco" and entire leaf will get ridgid. and the yellowing, could possibly be underwatering, or burns. stick your finger and inch or 2 into your soil, if its dry water them. seedlings are VERY delicate, and dont like warm dry conditions. just the cfls being so close is burning all the humidity in air the around them, thus burning the plants at a much lower temp.


Alright lights have been moved up and plants have been watered. I guess the only thing to do is wait till tomorrow and see if there's a change. Thank you so much for the information and everything you said makes perfect sense. Pray for my babies! haha.

Thanks again to everyone!