Update on PPP and Hindu Kush four weeks flowering with pics.


Well-Known Member
Update on PPP and Hindu Kush grow.

I went to 12/12 on November 05, 2008 so today marks four weeks of flowering. The first pic is of the tallest which is the Hindu Kush, she’s starting to lean from the bud weight and had to prop her up a little. So, the first five are the Hindu Kush and the last four are the PPP. The PPP looks like it is going to be just one big bud stick when it’s done.

I’m still watering every day and misting the entire plant about every three days. The environment inside the grow area is very dry. Fan is still circulating 24 hours a day.

Still using the four 4-ft flouros across the top and two 4-ft flouros on each side.

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
looks good to me, but might i suggest buying some cfl lights and put them around the plants for more lighting...


Well-Known Member
Here is some better pics of my grow. Four weeks after 12 - 12. Here are the hindu kush pics, the first pic is of the top of the plant and the second is the entire plant. There are five hindu kush plants all together.

The HK definately stretched way out. Next time I would top each plant. Also, this is a pure flouro grow. So if any of you are thinking of just using flouros this is what you will get. The problem is with different lighting the yield would be much much bigger. This is just for personal use and I don't sell so this is just fine with me.



Well-Known Member
Here are the PPP. Once again I took a pic of the top and then the whole plant.

The PPP is doing awsome! They stayed short and will be "bud sticks" when the grow is finished. Also the trics are just plastered all over the PPP as compared to the HK.



Active Member
Outside of the light thing your plants look very healthy. Nice and green no nute burn etc. Are you doin anything special to the water what nutes etc.?


Active Member
i would suggest try using some blossom bloom of some sort, i personally would use the brand name called "Fox Farm" it works wonders for me, but did u manage to get more lights?


Well-Known Member
agree with zuky, my HK loves tiger and big bloom. its definitely worth the extra bucks mate


Well-Known Member
I would def go with fox farm nutrients for soil. You will see a HUGE difference from MG to a good Nutrient. God get some Big Bloom and tiger bloom. You will be happy;)

Just my .02.........but i started with MG and quickly found that it is not very good for girls. i would get somthing with some guano and micro nutes. :eyesmoke: but again........ just my .02


Active Member
like the others said... i would deff get diff lights! HPS is the way to go~ at the very least get out from underneath those flours... and get cfl's~ you'll see a HUGE diff! you're like try'n to drive a car with a 9 volt battery. one does all the work, lights, space, nutes, odor control.. and then all that and you get a real small yield because you cheap'd on the lights!~ Ohch!!


Well-Known Member
like the others said... i would deff get diff lights! HPS is the way to go~ at the very least get out from underneath those flours... and get cfl's~ you'll see a HUGE diff! you're like try'n to drive a car with a 9 volt battery. one does all the work, lights, space, nutes, odor control.. and then all that and you get a real small yield because you cheap'd on the lights!~ Ohch!!
amen bretheren. with a little ingenuity and help from the cats on RIT you could rig and vent a 400hps up without much difficulty


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the input, I'm already looking into my next grow. I'll have a weekly update in a day or so with new pics.


Well-Known Member
I just harvested my PPP. 330g wet....79g dry went into the curing jar. I didnt save hardly any of the popcorn nugs on the bottom branches. They all went into my clipping bag for hash.