Unknown strain ~pics~


New Member


THis guy i know gave me loads of seeds, so i started growing them. However when i asked him what strain they were he didnt know.

I am growing outdoor and was wondering if they would even flower at all and if they might even be hemp........(no thc)

Please have a look and give your opinions.....


Well-Known Member
there is always that chance m8 but first you must be able to sex the plant give it a few more weeks then repsot some pics i will be happy to watch for these..


Active Member
there prolly just bag seed, of course thier flower theirs no way in hell their hemp unless he went out of his way to buy hemp seeds.


Well-Known Member
Hemp was bred to be mostly stalk and tends to stretch out with short side branches. Other than that you can't tell untill you burn, even bagseed can produce awesome smoke, I just met 2 pro growers in real life and they agree genetics are mostly hype bullshit other than knowing your phenotype. Seeds that aren't hemp WILL GET YOU HIGH if grown right. Good Luck!

ganja farmer2082

Active Member
they should flower they look good as long as they turn out to be females you are good but ot to early to tell just let them grow and give as much sunlight as possible and fertilize every 4 days low doses until plant get bigger


Well-Known Member
Hemp was bred to be mostly stalk and tends to stretch out with short side branches. Other than that you can't tell untill you burn, even bagseed can produce awesome smoke, I just met 2 pro growers in real life and they agree genetics are mostly hype bullshit other than knowing your phenotype. Seeds that aren't hemp WILL GET YOU HIGH if grown right. Good Luck!
Ur right on. Genetics are way to hyped. If you know what ur doing and u put care and effort/time you will b rewarded with dank, even if the seed came from a bag of some sub par herb. Usually the reason the weed is crappy is the grower didn't care or didn't know what he/she was doing.


Active Member
ya dude you defenatly got yourself some pot, not hemp.....give them the right nutrients cause they look a little ill