unhealthy plants

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
daamn what a bunghole. ive never seen anything that bad. i doubt they could be brought back to health but thats just my opinion. you should get your friend in a figure 4 leg lock and make him suffer. just watch out for the reverse!!

*on 2nd look the shorter ones look like they can be saved. the tall ones look real bad. good luck


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
the damage is done.. if the top looks like the rest of the plant then i say RIP little plant... but if you see new growth from the top the i would clean uo that girl and hope for the best


Well-Known Member
Look mate really sorry i agree with bud nugbong make your friend suffer if there still in veg which i think they are, I think you can save them just move the light up to what it was before keep on feeding them and then when new colas and leaves come through.
Slowly trim the burnt leaves off it will just take time to recover from the sun burn but keep us informed how they are all doing all the best.