Ummm... this is one reason america sux... no heineken combo meals


Well-Known Member
America>everywhere else....Seriously america kicks ass. We really only have fucked up drug laws. Thats about it.


Well-Known Member
all countries have at least a few things that suck.
some more than others.
you offer a single criticism of the U.S. and a few people tell you to leave. funny
I tried to leave but Canada's too cold, Mexico's too hot, and the EU wouldn't take me
a few more things that suck
2.prison population food
4.drug laws
5.cops tht dont protect or serve
6.corporate beer
8.the CIA
9.the DEA
11.jay leno
12.the Raiders
13.stupid lists on internet forums


Active Member
all countries have at least a few things that suck.
some more than others.
you offer a single criticism of the U.S. and a few people tell you to leave. funny
I tried to leave but Canada's too cold, Mexico's too hot, and the EU wouldn't take me
a few more things that suck
2.prison population food
4.drug laws
5.cops tht dont protect or serve
6.corporate beer
8.the CIA
9.the DEA
11.jay leno
12.the Raiders
13.stupid lists on internet forums
1.taxes Have to pay em everywhere
2.prison population As long as your not in prison how does this effect you besides the pennys they take from you a year to upkeep them. food Don't eat it
4.drug laws I agree
5.cops tht dont protect or serve I disagree
6.corporate beer LOL
7.oprah Dont watch her
8.the CIA Why does the CIA suck they dont bother anyone cept bad dudes
9.the DEA Agreed
10.MTV Dont watch it
11.jay leno See number 10
12.the Raiders whatever the fuck tht is:eyesmoke:
13.stupid lists on internet forums word


Well-Known Member
They have vending machines in Japan where you can get beers and even a bottle of Jim beam.:eyesmoke: I'm not talking about some of those little sample bottles in liqueur stores, we're talking big bottles of whiskey.