Uknown Colorado strain and bc bud the black organic soil and nutes grow


What's up green fiends it's Kael and this is my first serious grow op. I have 3 baby plants from Colorado but I don't know if sativa or indica yet, I have some seeds from bc bud coming as well and as soon as they arrive I will germ 2 immediately and include them in this carnival I have goin on( the strain I got is called the black it's good for nighttime smokin). My setup is one full spectrum 235w cfl with sunleaves reflector, 6"inline fan and a timer. I've got fox farm ocean forest for soil an it's quite outstanding. For nutes I went with the ph perfect line up that Advanced Nutrients have that's full organic(iguana juice grow, iguana juice bloom, liquid nirvanna , and revive.)all of the products have been working exceptionally well I have been adding fert the whole time so far an no burn or deficiency a yet here are pics.
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Update- added another 235w full spectrum light and had to hit them with revive( a little too much fert but we are stable now) fan is directly on them now for good c02 transfer because more intense light creates more photosynthesis which means more c02 is needed. Which makes my plants happy and potent later on based on what I've read. The ph has been thrown off by over zealous feeding the leaves started drooping and slight burn on tips so hit them with revive from advanced nutes an flushed with spring water, they are much happier and leaves are standing up! Adjusted light to 1 inches away for better intensity.image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
why are you feeding them at so young an age? they're babies in decent soil.. no need for anything but water for weeks


why are you feeding them at so young an age? they're babies in decent soil.. no need for anything but water for weeks
I'm a super newbie and thought tht it was the ph perfect line of Advandced nutes, it's not, and I thought they could use it but after further reading in marijuana books I realized my mistake cause they started to burn so I flushed me and now I'm gonna leave them be and just let them grow. An I'm transplanting tonight into 5 gal buckets full of ffof so hopefully all goes well.