Uk - outdoor growing thread


Active Member
the big bang arent as big at all as the purple power cause they were started bit later,still tho there bout 3ft an 1 is over 4 ft!an the ting is the big bang and the hollands hope were planted at the same time an they all kinda got mixed up so dunno which is which!ah wont worry bout that when theyre bein smoked:) for the pics,have no digital camera an no software to set up my phone,but hopfully mite be able to sort something out before harvest..


Active Member
DSC00019.jpgDSC00020.jpgthere is holes in DSC00021.jpgthe bottom of the pots but i am thinking i should have cut bigger holes because i am afraid that some could be rootbound!here are some pics i toDSC00018.jpgok today......some seem to be flowering more than others.......more to follow..........


Well-Known Member
the sunlight in local to me and you is just about to hit 12 hours now .. so your ladies will sense this an start budding
Not so - 12/12 has nothing to do with outdoor growing. My girls start flowering early August. Maybe you should read up before your first grow. Good luck.


Active Member
DSC00028.jpgDSC00026.jpgDSC00029.jpgDSC00027.jpgDSC00031.jpgDSC00021.jpgDSC00020.jpgDSC00019.jpgDSC00018.jpgin pics 2,3,8 there are 2 hollands hope and 3 big bang and in pics 4,7,9 are all purple power planted outside in april,the big bang and hollands hope went in june.planted 6 purple power(2 per pot)and only had 1 male so he got the chop!


Active Member
its first time grow in a forest in Ireland:)........going pretty well i think?another few weeks will do hopefully!


Active Member
gettin late is right!hope another 2 t 3 weeks will do,havent seen any swelling of the buds yet so thats what im waiting on:)...ya they are well hidden alrite,off the beaten track and through a swamp.have had them there since april and its all good since!
its first time grow in a forest in Ireland:)........going pretty well i think?another few weeks will do hopefully!
hah good to see another IE grower, your plants look like mine in term of flowering (the most advanced one you have), i'm keeping mine going for another 4 weeks yet. the other ones you posted look like they're just begining to flower, maybe leave them a week or two longer?


Active Member
sound guys:)......senorcoconut did you ever grow outside in ireland before?it seems an awful long time to be waiting!till the end of oct,start of nov,lets just hope the weather doesnt turn too nasty!!some of them have been there since april...its a long time but these last few weeks seem like its taking FOREVER!!jus have to wait tho:)
sound guys:)......senorcoconut did you ever grow outside in ireland before?it seems an awful long time to be waiting!till the end of oct,start of nov,lets just hope the weather doesnt turn too nasty!!some of them have been there since april...its a long time but these last few weeks seem like its taking FOREVER!!jus have to wait tho:)
it's my first time growing here ye. and yeah it takes a LONG time, like everything lol. i'm just worried about the horribleness of the weather in october (mould .etc) will have to keep a keen eye on them.


Active Member
yeah the weather ere in the west has been really showery lately but 2day wasn't too bad:)well the strains i am growing are supposed to be fairly mold resistant so fingers crossed.....I did have some lowryders growing and harvested them in early july and 1 of them got bud rot...not so good!what are you growing neways dude?