UH OH BUGS!!! someone help im only two weeks from harvest


Active Member
Hey, i just left for two days and came back to my plants and I have some sort of bug on them.. It looks like the are only on the stem, at least thats where i see them, I am very close to harvest and I am getting excited but i would hate to have it ruined by bugs. Does anyone have any quick remedies for bugs, im not sure what type they are but they are very small i actually thought it was a hair tip or something was very weird...thanks


Well-Known Member
......you really need to figure out what they are; can you get a pic? With a lot of 'bugs' you can just use soapy water or any number of remedies....... There are all kinds of neem sprays, spinocids, pirethrenes(wrong spellings) PCO foggers, etc.........Are you concerned about staying organic<-----you should this close to harvest! There's Ed's "Zero Tolerance" spray.......nemotodes....... and shit, you just might only have gnats, but then again you might have the dreaded 'Borg'(spider mites).....

Really, if you want an answer we really need more info......:hump:

Great Luck!



Well-Known Member
Do they fly? probably fungus gnats. Shake the plant and see if any come out and look like gnats and if any get all in your face. (they like the co2 you exhale quite often)

If so, they can't do anything to hurt her now this late, what's done is done. They have larvae eating your roots but who cares, the plant is a week from dead and they can't do harm quite that fast.


Active Member
yeah i took a closer look and after a bit of reasearch i fond out they are spider mites, under the leaves there are all these white dots, I didnt read anything but i assumed they were larva or eggs since they didnt move or anything, there was black dots with pincers....I didnt have a loop, but i have great vision and can see almost like a magnifying glass....black bugs with white pincers is what i saw...think i did anyways....i trimmed the problem leaves and tried to trim leaves with those aspects on them... hopefully that will either cut down on their numbers....which i guerentee i did haha i trimmed alot of leaves....even if the plant goes into shock a bit from the loss of leaves, its nothing that it shouldnt be used to snce i have been trimming big leaves to let more light down into it. my room is really humid, i have a three plant bubble ponic with a 1000w hps...the light is over kill for what i need but i got everything brand new for 150 Can. a great deal since they go for about 500 at a good price around here. I am from a place where there is great outdoor growing and a few hippies told me to use a bit of baby powder to kill them off, I tried it on a leaf that i trimmer off and it didnt seem to have any effect withinthe 20 mins it was there as well have removes all the leaves with webs, atleast visible ones as i do not want to interact with my babies alot to limit the resin transfer. Thanks for the help and if you see anything i said i was doing that is bad let me know...as well as some other sort of tips for the spider mites...

oh ya, also i was thinking of spraying them down a bit but i hesitated since i didnt want to drench my buds....they have a good resin production cycle going and i didnt want to disrupt it too much


Well-Known Member
1) get a water mister sprayer and spray a fine mist of plain water on the plant

2) be amazed at the massive invisible web that has covered your entire plant

3) realise that the web means spider mites have taken over and all your dreams are fucked

4) spend the next few months trying in vain to get rid of them : lets face it your smarter than everyone else on this forum who cant get rid of them, surely

5) once you are completely out of plants, clones, seeds, hope, faith, etc spend the next few weeks doing nothing but getting rid of them properly like you were told to in the first place.

6) collect your club membership

or am i too cynical ???


Active Member
well, while your humor is greatly appreciated, this isnt a real great time nancy, i know funny and losing a few plants that i have worked on, isnt funny, nor are you for that matter, and while i usually like cynicism and sarcastic humor greatly, i love my herb more. if it were up to me i obviously wouldnt have them. and to end this, your humor is a bit too late givin how i already reached the conclusion that i DO have spider mites, and i have already tried to do something. like i had stated before, this is the first day i noticed anything since i was gone for a few days and they must have sprung up pretty quickly given my absence in viewing and inspection.

thanks for the time you gave me for my post though, i appreciate what everyone has inputed and I will try and rectify the problem as best as i can.

Without cynicism


Well-Known Member
You are NOT going to see that kind of detail on a spider mite with the naked eye to see pinchers. It's something else. A spider mite is the size of the tip of a needle. You're lucky just to see them on the right background as a single color blur and I'm over 20/20.


Active Member
ya, im over 20 20 too, i just assumed they were spider fucks since i had a web on a leaf and small spots on my leaves. the bug was black, but definatly bigger than a pin. could they be mutated spidy bitches?


Well-Known Member
No but you could very likely have mites and some bug that wants to eat them. Or just mites and some random other bug.


Active Member
lol, god this has made me appreciate buying herb so much more. i didnt think it was going to be a picnic, until i harvested that is, but i thought that since i had such a secure grow facility, that i was gunna be aight... But i love the experience of it all.. i was just so sick of seeing bud that was either picked too late or too early and just wasnt perfect. having the good shit alot now made me wanna try it myself. Well i will try what i can and if you learn anything on bigger bugs that are black with white or light coloured pincers buggin the fuck outta my honnies, let me know.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has. I am completely out of smoke now because I ignored my garden for a little while and they took it over. I lost everything pretty much, and won't have smoke until feb.
(got like 1/10th I should have and it was weak and I smoked though it like it was air.)

That'll teach me.

Again. :)