UGH!!! Do I have a male flowering plant?


Active Member
Pics are to blurry to see well. Males do not produce seeds though. They make pollen, to impregnate female flowers to make seeds. They look female, just to blurry to see if seeded. They are probably swollen calyxes.


there were no signs of male plants as they were growing up. Are you saying that this might be a female that was polinized and is now producing seed?


Active Member
Possible, but again can't tell with the pics. A possible hermie, pollen carried into the grow on yourself or the wind. Regardless, males don't make seeds, nor do females. A female needs pollen to make seeds. Once seeded, the pistils recede and start to work on the seed production. A better pic, or take a closer look at the calyx. Even opening one will tell you. A light squeeze on a calyx to see if it's getting hard as the seed is forming. As you said, you are nearing the end cycle, so it's more than likely just swelling up with sticky goodness.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
try to get a pic that's as close as you can get without blurring. it's just a tad too blurry to make out.

definitely not a straight up male, but it looks like you might have a few seeds in there so it's possible there could be a few nutsacks here and there.

the good news is that those plants are far enough along and healthy enough to where they are worth finishing whether there's seeds or not.

and i'm with grumpy on breaking one open to see what's in there. easiest way to know is to open it up.