U.S. Politicians Are The Biggest Threat To World Peace In Human History


Well-Known Member



Active Member
Back on track, politicians are a threat to us and the world so why the fuck do any of us agree with them ;/

(some of them not most of them)


New Member
because they lied to us? so far all iv seen is lies lies and no one has deliverd truth i hope Ron paul can ;/
The Truth is Ron Paul is a Career Politician who has been here 33 years
-biggest Pork receiver in Texas

Ron Paul would Like to roll back Civil Rights doesnt want choice when it comes to womens health issues


No doubt there are evil and stupid politicans in USA, but this article wasent really convincinc. No real info, just telling that they are bad lol.


Well-Known Member
America needs to revolt against the government fully and outright,There is no other way for them to listen,there is no open ear in the government that will listen to the people and follow through with a plan that helps America's citizens.They do what they want and when they want.Congress,The white house,The supreme courts everyone of them need to be brought down to the people from their hi horse of power and completely revised/remolded to the will of the people,it has gone on to far that the country is held fast by its lawmakers and foreign political policies to profiteer while breaking the fabric of our civil liberty's.It sounds like extremism,but to do things as they have been is clearly not working,America needs to rally and step up before its to late to do so.