U.N. Treaty To Take Away Second Ammendment Rights


Well-Known Member
Their is a U.N. small arms treaty that will take away second ammendment rights and protections. It will be voted on in the senate.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
i dont think thats possible... It is unconstitutional

another piece of shit lie.......
It is a push by the U.N. with the help of many of our politicians, and it is very real.
And they have voided the constitution as they see fit and made it public knowledge so I don't see why this would be any different.
The only good thing and the only thing that makes this unlikely to pass is that they need 2/3 of the senate to vote for it as of now....so it shouldn't pass untill they find a way to get around that obstical


Well-Known Member

it is a treaty to try and impede the spread of small arms to areas of the world where small arms are being used to inflict violence on innocent, unarmed, under-educated people... and to prevent the spread of small arms to groups which might monopolize international aid efforts which are supposed to help their countries... like in Africa, where UN food supplies sometimes get stolen and SOLD in famine stricken areas. instead of handed out by 'peacekeepers'....



Well-Known Member
another piece of shit lie.......
the NRA is way to powerful!
i dont think thats possible... It is unconstitutional

it is a treaty to try and impede the spread of small arms to areas of the world where small arms are being used to inflict violence on innocent, unarmed, under-educated people... and to prevent the spread of small arms to groups which might monopolize international aid efforts which are supposed to help their countries... like in Africa, where UN food supplies sometimes get stolen and SOLD in famine stricken areas. instead of handed out by 'peacekeepers'....

Constitution trumps any treaty the administration may sign with a foreign entity.
I'm glad we settled that, and their is no need to worry.
I was afraid it was a plan to eliminate everyones already limited right to any means of selfdefence.
I'm sure people who are not allowed to own a firearm because of laws saying a former felon can not ever own a gun, will be glad to know that your constitutional rights are supreame ant that their is no way anything could infringe upon them.


Well-Known Member
thats true, i just remembered, that sucks bro

I'm glad we settled that, and their is no need to worry.
I was afraid it was a plan to eliminate everyones already limited right to any means of selfdefence.
I'm sure people who are not allowed to own a firearm because of laws saying a former felon can not ever own a gun, will be glad to know that your constitutional rights are supreame ant that their is no way anything could infringe upon them.


Well-Known Member
China's UN rep awards peace prize to general best known for violently quashing demonstrations

Sha Zukang, the same Chinese top UN official whose drunken rant against Ban Ki-moon and the United States a few weeks ago made headlines, has just given a "Global Harmony" award to Chi Haotian, the general in charge of the infamous crackdown on protesters in 1989.


Well-Known Member
i dont think thats possible... It is unconstitutional Yeah good luck with that
& no i dont like a America I`ll trade you my farm for a sail boat & get the hell out once the let felons have passports !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
& my only crimes by the way was pot related redneck


Well-Known Member
the treaty, if ratified by the U.S. Senate, would force the United States to do the following:
• Enact tougher licensing requirements, creating additional bureaucratic red tape for legal firearms ownership.
• Confiscate and destroy all “unauthorized” civilian firearms (exempting those owned by our government, of course).
• Ban the trade, sale and private ownership of all semi-automatic weapons (any that have magazines even though they still operate in the same one trigger pull — one single “bang” manner as revolvers, a simple fact the ant-gun media never seem to grasp).
• Create an international gun registry, clearly setting the stage for full-scale gun confiscation.
In short, Bell said, the treaty would override our national sovereignty, in the process giving license to the federal government to assert preemptive powers over state regulatory powers guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment in addition to our Second Amendment rights.


Well-Known Member
we should all pray that something like this does pass, cause this would be the shock that wakes the bear, the bear being this sleeping populous that snores through its own rape scene.


Well-Known Member
i dont think thats possible... It is unconstitutional Yeah good luck with that
& no i dont like a America I`ll trade you my farm for a sail boat & get the hell out once the let felons have passports !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
& my only crimes by the way was pot related redneck
you dont need a passport to leave by sailboat


Well-Known Member
Damn, and Just yesterday I got a hold of a 1914 Winchester Model 1912 12 Ga Shotgun. Almost 100 Years old, all original, and it still works fantastic. Slam fired 7 shots in under 2 seconds with it just this morning, slickity slick action!
Now what am I gonna do?


Well-Known Member
pic, if not it aint true... those are rare gems

Damn, and Just yesterday I got a hold of a 1914 Winchester Model 1912 12 Ga Shotgun. Almost 100 Years old, all original, and it still works fantastic. Slam fired 7 shots in under 2 seconds with it just this morning, slickity slick action!
Now what am I gonna do?