Two OMMP patients seeking a grower


New Member
Hello! :grin:

My husband and I are both laid back, hard working, loyal, currently approved OMMP patients who are seeking a grower who will provide us with flower and trim. We have made some high end edibles from trim and would like to begin to make batches on a regular basis.

If you are close to North Portland, I have some experience growing and would be interested in helping out with the garden, trimming, cleaning, and other work involved.

Hope to hear from you soon. :weed:

Chad Murray

New Member
I just moved to Oregon for exactly this reason, I have a green thumb, and as long as I can tend to my own garden as well I would definitely be interested. I'll have my card oct 18th. Lemme know if that time frame works for you.


Active Member
I'm in lincolnCity currently interested in adding 2 patients only you make check out my strains, and message me back.
Alsop look at my thred on my $425.oo grow room for more plant growroom pics.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Hood River. Will gladly grow for you. Have many fine strains. I grow outdoor but will be building a greenhouse this spring/summer to extend my season and add harvests. My outdoor plants average about 1.5 lbs of bud + trim per plant . I live in Hood, but also have a residence in NW portland close in. If you think this might work for you give me a message. I'd make you s good deal.