twin plant !! what should i do ?? pls help


Well-Known Member
so hi there everyone just started 2 female pure power plant from nirvana and 1 of them turned out to be a twin !! the normal one is bigger then the twin, in my opinion the twin is growing slower. should i cut the small twin ??
sorry for my bad English.



Active Member
thats pretty crazy never seen that before...personally i would just leave it to see how it turned out but i think thats up 2 u i dont see how it could hurt


Well-Known Member
thats pretty crazy never seen that before...personally i would just leave it to see how it turned out but i think thats up 2 u i dont see how it could hurt
you are right but the problem is i don't know what to do, if i should leave it or not, if the yield would be smaller, if i should use larger pots then 5.5 gallons etc.. i just want some advice and suggestions, see what you more experienced growers would do...but yeah thanks for stopping by.. +rep
dont no if this helps m8 but i got 3 in an nft and 1 is a double and its no were near as good as my other 2 its a hell of a lot smaller the buds look thiner and were its in 2 the seconed 1 has been pushed out there aint much bud on it and i think my yeild on it is gunna be alot less but it is an nft bit diffent sorry bout the spelling


Well-Known Member
Never saw that before either, hell if I were you I would take this extremely rare opportunity and grow it, see what happens...

Best of luck and I hope you keep us all informed.


Well-Known Member
it is a pretty confusing situation but i'm going to take the opportunity and grow it like a lot of you said :) i will keep all of you informed weekly. and thanks for all your help.. :D