tv could it just.....


Well-Known Member
Okay stoner-stoner. I am not sure about having the TV near them, but I don't think it would hurt them. I for one would not put it in front of my TV, just because I would be paranoid about Radiation and things of that sort. On that Myth Busters episode they said playing HEAVY DEATH METAL was plausible for helping plants grow better, but it wasn't confirmed. Do your own testing and see what happens. :)

And for the people who try and shit on someone's ideas, come on now. We are all here to help. Maybe questions seem dumb to you, but newbies and people who are just interested want to know!!! I for one would do a little research, but if you can't find it then you can't find it. Don't shit on peoples' questions. For one, Stoney Stoner has over 200 posts so he is defintely interested and isn't bull shitting around. But Stoney Stoner, please ignore any extremely rude comments aimed towards you. They don't know you and you don't know them. Don't get so worked up over an online forum. Not worth it man. If people think the question is stupid, then they shouldn't reply with anything and just let the topic make its way out the front page by no one replying. (Like those stupid ass fuckin Nokia Free phones Topics...hate that shit!!) Anway, good luck with the grow my friend. Keep asking and researching until you find the answers you want!!!

thanks for being on my side and understanding what i am meaning. and i wasnt planing on having the tv put any types of light on the plant just that the tv is close enough so that the sounds of it can be lol heard by the plant. so i was like um.... could it help as if i were talkin to it. you know not some crazy stuff but just clam tv shows. as if they were talkin to it.


Well-Known Member
stoney stoner...i had all but nice to you until you blew up on me in another thread about watering....i had nothing ever putting you down in took me trying to help you out as me putting you i posted the thread and the responce that you thought was soooo rude....

dude stop putting so much thought into watering...wait until the soil is dry....most likely going to take ATLEAST 3 days depending on pot size
well lets see its been about 5-6 days so far and my meter is just now reading 3-4 on the out sides of the pot and 5-6 on the closest to the plant. and it wasnt really that wet b4.

stop being a hater

with you pretty much to the point if you dont have nothing nice to say dont say it cuz all you do is been putting my stuff down im just tryin to learn how and what to do and all your doin is pushing it down and down next time if you dont have help dont say anything.



Well-Known Member
beside this is just an after school special thread anyways....posting times always at time of school let out....have fun kid


Well-Known Member
Okay stoner-stoner. I am not sure about having the TV near them, but I don't think it would hurt them. I for one would not put it in front of my TV, just because I would be paranoid about Radiation and things of that sort. On that Myth Busters episode they said playing HEAVY DEATH METAL was plausible for helping plants grow better, but it wasn't confirmed. Do your own testing and see what happens. :)

And for the people who try and shit on someone's ideas, come on now. We are all here to help. Maybe questions seem dumb to you, but newbies and people who are just interested want to know!!! I for one would do a little research, but if you can't find it then you can't find it. Don't shit on peoples' questions. For one, Stoney Stoner has over 200 posts so he is defintely interested and isn't bull shitting around. But Stoney Stoner, please ignore any extremely rude comments aimed towards you. They don't know you and you don't know them. Don't get so worked up over an online forum. Not worth it man. If people think the question is stupid, then they shouldn't reply with anything and just let the topic make its way out the front page by no one replying. (Like those stupid ass fuckin Nokia Free phones Topics...hate that shit!!) Anway, good luck with the grow my friend. Keep asking and researching until you find the answers you want!!!
Lol i did not shit on enyones idea's, i merly awnsered his questions. even you agree YOU Can find most to every question on the forums here... and its not hard to find them...
im kind of sick of seeing this

Halp lights?!?!?!
Lights lumens?
CAN SOMEone hold my hand?
WHat light cycle
HOW MUCH FOR ELECTRIC Power Consumption / Light Cost
Hey you know what LOOK HERE!!!!!!!! 101 already asked questions

this is not Kindergarden. just have a look around do a little bit of research GET a Freakin idea before asking.

Also look here How To Grow Marijuana

Plz stop the madness!
i dont mean to sound like an asshole, cause really im not.

like the sticky says.... 101 already asked questions


Well-Known Member
glad to see im not the only one that feels this way...i might come off as an ass but i promise im not... :) im sure there are some begginner on this forum that will confirm that i am all ears, and love helping people with there hobby. i help the ones that you can tell actually put an effort in to what they are doing and not looking for someone to babysit them.....


Well-Known Member
stoney stoner...i had all but nice to you until you blew up on me in another thread about watering....i had nothing ever putting you down in took me trying to help you out as me putting you i posted the thread and the responce that you thought was soooo rude....

well i wasnt tryin to get on the wrong side of ya or anything but if someone starts to be an ass to me im ah be one right back. and i took it as you being an ass sorry.

and lately sence i been on this site people seem like they having bad moods idk if its just me but i seen aother post that was somtihng like this

and you still think im a lil kid lol thats funny i dont care if you think i am im not goin to try to prove it i might get busted over it so whatever think im a kid im 21years old seedlesson.shit i think your a little kid lol the way you keep fighting back.(dont we both need to grow up lol):neutral:


Well-Known Member
and pauliojo have you ever seen a tv that puts off radiation....way to sound like you know what the hell you are talking about.....blind leading the blind thumbs up for you:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

folks dont watch to much tv it now causes cancer....lmfao
Wow there big guy. I don't post things unless I know what I am talking about. Also never said I could see a tv put out radiation. I don't make this stuff up. There have been TVs throughout history that have given off little bits of radiation even though there is a law (Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act – Subchapter C – Electronic Product Radiation Control) that says you can't. Even is some don't put out RADIATION per say, they can still cause some side effects in people. TVs give off things called ELFs (Extremely Low Frequencies). It's a fact that TVs emit smalls rays whenever they are on. LOL, I hope you feel better about yourself trying to put people down, I was trying to make peace and there ya go. Someone has got some weed muscles today. Relax buddy, we're not in an AA meeting. No one will hurt you here. Chill the fuck out, smoke a blunt, then go research your shit before trying to expose me.


Well-Known Member
hey well thanks for you worthless 2cents...did you even read the link you posted?? it says that tvs do not put of enough radiation to do jack shit...thanks for proving my own point with helpful info!! nice job once agian....
lol you are quite funny. Did you even read my fuckin post? I agreed saying there was a law about it!!!!!! wait,wait......O hey, what does it say before it?! I wonder. "There have been TVs throughout history that have given off little bits of radiation even though there is a law" There ya go. No, I want to thank you for proving my point. Have a nice day.

P.S. You may not be the most respectful person I have run into, but you sure can grow. Congrats on that.


Active Member
Well back to the question, although it has been an interesting thread, IMHO i really don't think a TV would do shit and kind of have to agree with seedlessone about it being a pretty retarded ass question. I think this might be common sense, but maybe not for everyone, talking to your plants is REALLY good for them because you breathe out CO2! Plants absolutly love CO2, whether it's mary jane or rodendrums it doesn't matter. And also another reason it may be good for them is because your blowing them around or maybe moving them around a little which will cause the stems to grow stronger (like a fan might). And as for the music, I think the JAZZ thing is a load of shit! I'm not a fan of heavy metal, but in my opinion it makes sense that plants like heavy metal due to the amount of air that is moved and the vibrations that are caused by all that thrashing (Again LIKE A FAN).

Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of reading and a whole ASS load of COMMON SENSE!!!


Active Member
wow folks. i thought other stoners were as mellow as me but u guys and gals keep up all this name calling B/S & ur dumb no ur dumb shit. Maybe some people in here should put a light above themselves and eat all their plants nutes so they can GROW UP a bit themselves. It was a question. There is nothing in the forums that I have seen, about tv whatsoever and i have read all of em i can find on this site and on others as well. The question was actually a good one, that there are no forums about. Everyone chill and stop hatin on home boy because he asked a question that someone might think was stupid. There are no stupid questions, jus stupid ppl for not asking about things they are curious about.
I dont think the tv will cause much of an effect at all on the plant.... But maybe i am wrong as I have not tried an experiment with this idea myself. hell, for all I know the home and garden channel produces the thickest buds ever seen. maybe someone should experiment with this shit???? take a couple clones about the same size and put one next to the tv and one nowhere near the tv. raise them as exactlly the same as u can. Keep the varibles as close as u can to being an exact copy between the 2 plants even as far as the lights, nutes, and water amounts when u water. we find out new things by trying neew things. Im sure someone told the guy that developed aeroponics he was a crazy s.o.b whenever he first had the theroy that plants dont need a medium to hold roots to grow.


Well-Known Member
wow folks. i thought other stoners were as mellow as me but u guys and gals keep up all this name calling B/S & ur dumb no ur dumb shit. Maybe some people in here should put a light above themselves and eat all their plants nutes so they can GROW UP a bit themselves. It was a question. There is nothing in the forums that I have seen, about tv whatsoever and i have read all of em i can find on this site and on others as well. The question was actually a good one, that there are no forums about. Everyone chill and stop hatin on home boy because he asked a question that someone might think was stupid. There are no stupid questions, jus stupid ppl for not asking about things they are curious about.
I dont think the tv will cause much of an effect at all on the plant.... But maybe i am wrong as I have not tried an experiment with this idea myself. hell, for all I know the home and garden channel produces the thickest buds ever seen. maybe someone should experiment with this shit???? take a couple clones about the same size and put one next to the tv and one nowhere near the tv. raise them as exactlly the same as u can. Keep the varibles as close as u can to being an exact copy between the 2 plants even as far as the lights, nutes, and water amounts when u water. we find out new things by trying neew things. Im sure someone told the guy that developed aeroponics he was a crazy s.o.b whenever he first had the theroy that plants dont need a medium to hold roots to grow.

thank you for helpin i know i might have said dumb question in the past but god damn i could find anything about this in the forums and then i get flamed for asking.


Well-Known Member
THIS IS FUCKIN HILARIOUS!!! I actually thought forums were stupid until I actually got into them a couple years ago because of how fuckin awsome they were. Just the mere fact of having a question answered in a couple of hours blew my mind. listen stoney stoner...I posted a long responce in another thread and dont feel like doing it again but this is just too good to pass up.. I was on the other guys side becuase when I first read it, it sounded like a fucken stupid fucken question for real..Also, I dont feel at home here cause I know a lot of people will try to attack here more than help (then again there is a LOT of help here so in some ways i take that bak). But then I read on and saw that someone posted that tv's emit radiation and that studies has been shown that audio vibrations can benifit then again your question began to gain merit and seemed more like a normal question.

Listen dude, I have been attacked here many times but I have also been helped more so when I am attacked I dont say shit cause I know that the same person who was talkin shit might be able to help me later. just wait for a nice responce. if you attack back, then noones gonna answer you question , there just gonna fight back.

However seedlesone is a good responder here but he was being a fag...T.V.s still do(yes, still to this day, unless it is a plasma) emit microwave emitions (also called small amounts of radioactive waves) (not good stuf). so continue to respond to my threads seedlesone but stop being a fag lol!!

stoney stoner, you have to find educated ways to ask your questions on forums or else...
1. people will attack you for being stupid
2. people wont fully understand your question.
remember I also thought it was a stupid question by the simplistic way you worded it. However it was another person who began to make the whole conversation make a bit more sense... O yeah, and dont ever be afraid to post, thats the single biggest mistake you can make. FUCK READING SHIT!! WHAT THE FUCK IS A FORUM SENIOR MEMBERS??? look it up or ask a moderator. a forum is an internet based place for people to log in and ask questions of other people relating to or of the same subject. PEACE OUT!

this has to be the funniest forum i've ever read. people fighting on a help-line forum..about pot rollin over here yo...funny shit yall keep it commin..hehe


Well-Known Member
THIS IS FUCKIN HILARIOUS!!! I actually thought forums were stupid until I actually got into them a couple years ago because of how fuckin awsome they were. Just the mere fact of having a question answered in a couple of hours blew my mind. listen stoney stoner...I posted a long responce in another thread and dont feel like doing it again but this is just too good to pass up.. I was on the other guys side becuase when I first read it, it sounded like a fucken stupid fucken question for real..Also, I dont feel at home here cause I know a lot of people will try to attack here more than help (then again there is a LOT of help here so in some ways i take that bak). But then I read on and saw that someone posted that tv's emit radiation and that studies has been shown that audio vibrations can benifit then again your question began to gain merit and seemed more like a normal question.

Listen dude, I have been attacked here many times but I have also been helped more so when I am attacked I dont say shit cause I know that the same person who was talkin shit might be able to help me later. just wait for a nice responce. if you attack back, then noones gonna answer you question , there just gonna fight back.

However seedlesone is a good responder here but he was being a fag...T.V.s still do(yes, still to this day, unless it is a plasma) emit microwave emitions (also called small amounts of radioactive waves) (not good stuf). so continue to respond to my threads seedlesone but stop being a fag lol!!

stoney stoner, you have to find educated ways to ask your questions on forums or else...
1. people will attack you for being stupid
2. people wont fully understand your question.
remember I also thought it was a stupid question by the simplistic way you worded it. However it was another person who began to make the whole conversation make a bit more sense... O yeah, and dont ever be afraid to post, thats the single biggest mistake you can make. FUCK READING SHIT!! WHAT THE FUCK IS A FORUM SENIOR MEMBERS??? look it up or ask a moderator. a forum is an internet based place for people to log in and ask questions of other people relating to or of the same subject. PEACE OUT!

this has to be the funniest forum i've ever read. people fighting on a help-line forum..about pot rollin over here yo...funny shit yall keep it commin..hehe

yea man i understand just that i didnt think it was a stupid ? nor way it was worded but thats me. thats y i asked and thats y i said i wouldnt stop and also seedlesson has helped out alot so i dont wanna be on his bad side owell were see what happens its not even a big deal but if people are gonna say i have no common sence because of a question i asked well they can fuck off because i thougth it was worth i did


Well-Known Member
hey pauliojr
Also never said I could see a tv put out radiation
People who spend every day in the sun are induced with radiation, im not sure how they record the amount, but is 10% daily, and it takes 10,000 to kill you...
so if you spend 1000 days in the sun, your going to die of Leukemia.