Tussonex Suspension?


Active Member
i recently obtained a bottle of this stuff. I have spent some time researching and have only found a bunch of mixed reviews about its recreational value. some say its good others say its terrible. For the people that have had experience with the syrup, what are your personal opinions on its recreational value? and if so what would be the highest dosage you could take without it being harmful? Can it be compared to purple drank?


Well-Known Member
hey bro, just to let ya know i own a pharmacy so i have a lot of experiance with the tuss. its pretty dangerous in the sense that its the strongest hydrocodone out there. its used for really bad bronchial infections, and bad bad colds. it will fuck you up like any other opiate syrup. hycodan, roxanol. its all the same. its big time addictive but im sure your dr didnt giv ya 3 gallons. be careful thats all. it is very strong, and can give you a false sense of well being. so if your hurt and taking it youll think your better and try to do too much and hurt yourself again. just be careful bro.


Well-Known Member
My friend handed me a blount the other night that had been soaking in some grit or tuss, or whatever; he said it was straight hydrocondine/done i'm not sure. Do you think there are any adverse side affects to smoking it? I got really really fucked up and went and saw avatar, it was really an awesome experience.


Well-Known Member
great post jordi.
you offer proper warnings without being preachy.
a rarity in this section of the forum.


Well-Known Member
the drug is compounded to move through the lining in your stomach into your blood stream. smoking it is only gonna make your weed taste nasty.....its an oral suspension. not hash oil bro. dont waste time smoking it. the chemical make up isnt for that..


Well-Known Member
the drug is compounded to move through the lining in your stomach into your blood stream. smoking it is only gonna make your weed taste nasty.....its an oral suspension. not hash oil bro. dont waste time smoking it. the chemical make up isnt for that..
Would this also be true for other prescription syrups that are used recreationally?
I've often heard of people dipping blunts.
and have been curious if it had any actual effect beyond placebo.


Active Member
I think they dip them into that embalming stuff don't they what the hell is it called there's been allot of break ins at funeral parlors in rural areas for that stuff !!


Well-Known Member
I think they dip them into that embalming stuff don't they what the hell is it called there's been allot of break ins at funeral parlors in rural areas for that stuff !!
Embalming Fluid is just a nick-name for PCP.
Actual Embalming Fluid contains nothing used for recreation.
In fact, it may kill you.
Anybody breaking in to funeral home for embalming fluid is truelly clueless.

the syrup of discussion here is prescription and contains hydrocodone or similar.