Turkilton's all Eggs in One Basket


Well-Known Member
Sure Turk. Lots of people do it. But lots of people follow strange trends. I also don't understand why people cause deficiencies in their plants when they're in flower. But they do. There may be circumstances where defoliation is a benefit, like with humidity and poor air circulation. Those leaves are far too valuable to your plant. Soon the branches will extend beyond that leaf and it will become a food storage device for your plant. When they yellow and will come off with a simple tug then it's good to get rid of them. Focus on her health and you'll be happy. Here's the top half of two of my plants. image.jpg I'll be watching buddy.



Well-Known Member
Cheers mate and thanks for keeping me on straight and narrow! theres lot of threads out there with people fucking with their plants also I thik they cause them at the end because they are under the impression that nutes will effect the taste and such

Mouth started watering!!! Doesnt help ive cut down my my smoking weed atm ! What they smelling like?

Also just wondering whats the prices over where you are ? (USA right?) Street and medical just very interested :)


Well-Known Member
Also just removed the 2400k bulb and back with the 6400k only as the bulb was much larger so I hsd to raise lights snd I didnt want them that high as im trying to squat this baby!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah USA. At the dispensaries its 250 an ounce. 130 a half ounce. I don't know what the street prices are. I'm just a grower. Unfortunately I can't smoke because of my illustrious career driving beer truck. I can't smell for shit, (I should be a garbage man) but I can pick up some fruity notes. When trimming there was lots of fumes. Burned my eyes man. lol I don't buy into the nutes will affect taste. I think that started with some hydro guy.


Well-Known Member
around here its not legal
prices run 350-450 for high grade
With today's conversion rate being 1.62 thats about same price over here, i'm paying at the mo £20 for 1.7g which has decreases in the last 4 years from 3.5g for £20 to 1.7g your lucky to get £10 a gram nowadays which means its more expensive that fucking gold !!!

Yeah USA. At the dispensaries its 250 an ounce. 130 a half ounce. I don't know what the street prices are. I'm just a grower. Unfortunately I can't smoke because of my illustrious career driving beer truck. I can't smell for shit, (I should be a garbage man) but I can pick up some fruity notes. When trimming there was lots of fumes. Burned my eyes man. lol I don't buy into the nutes will affect taste. I think that started with some hydro guy.
so it works out cheaper if you buy legal then or is this down to areas having different prices and such because i was under the impression that the gov taxed the fuck out of it hence why i'm one of few who wish to keep it illegal over here! you're just a grower ?! taking it you sell onto dispensaries then ? well that's always nice to hear...red eye and not even smoking it, must be serious high grade !!, i've heard that aswel and to be honest it probs would with a hydro as those things are (from what i know, haven't read into it that much due to the fact it doesnt interest me because its not natural) very susceptible to EVERYTHING and the smallest fuck up and you'll pay the price.

the plant is a fucking bush, no other word for it. too many flowers to count and i get lost within the plant hahahaha.
i noticed my leaves were dry as fuck so ive placed about 2 litres of standing water in the area just to try get the humidity up.
sorry for the low res pics but i used my phone as the missus has gone back home but she's back this weekend and i'll take some new ones for your very keen eyes :)
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Well-Known Member
It's just getting to the point that it will be taxed since it has been all non profit. Soon it will be taxed and regulated big time. I grow for a patient. Him and a friend of his said what I grew is way better than anything either of them has gotten from a dispensarie. Which is a huge compliment. Your plant looks great. Low humidity in the uk?


Well-Known Member
Do your leaves feel thick and tough? Kinda coarse like dry leather? If so that is a sign of overwatering. The plant is trying to evaporate the extra moisture.


Well-Known Member
It can be very dry and as its only 13 degrees Celsius so thats 55.4 Fahrenheit on ave at the moment in time so its dragging it down. Then keep on doing what your doing mate, your grows seem great if only I could get myself some of your batch!!, the lower ones do and always have done but most leaves well 95% as I think there's only 8 sets of fans and they're extremely small are just dry, there's burning at the tips of some leaves also light green between vains!, I'm using an Auto Ogre Pie mate, wanted a dab at it and there seems to be a lot of haters of autos plus CFLs so I want to perfect them together and show exactly what can be done.


Well-Known Member
do you have another thread going ?
was looking for some new pics
its ok i have ways to occupy my time until then bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
It can be very dry and as its only 13 degrees Celsius so thats 55.4 Fahrenheit on ave at the moment in time so its dragging it down. Then keep on doing what your doing mate, your grows seem great if only I could get myself some of your batch!!, the lower ones do and always have done but most leaves well 95% as I think there's only 8 sets of fans and they're extremely small are just dry, there's burning at the tips of some leaves also light green between vains!, I'm using an Auto Ogre Pie mate, wanted a dab at it and there seems to be a lot of haters of autos plus CFLs so I want to perfect them together and show exactly what can be done.
if its veins are dark but yellowing between it could very well be a cal-mag def
possibly a ph issue or maybe overfeeding hard to tell without seeing it
cfl's will do just fine on auto's i used them for years
68w 2700k 6-8 depending on how many plants

and the auto section is there for a reason we wont judge your plant for its superior flowering abilities we embrace it fully ;)


Well-Known Member
20131025_231536.jpg dont know if these have worked as the web page doesnt seem to work proper on my missus phone. Tek the brunt tips were due to me getting a little trigger happy with the spray so newer leaves havent been effected, as youll see ive only been using 6400ks on this amd has turned it into a sumo. The very bottom leaves have turned a slight yellow but wouldnt this be because there is no light reaching them?