Trying to save money on electricity, what lights to use?


Active Member
At first I was thinking about making an LED light, costs about 100$ to make a 180W led panel. However a friend of mine brought it to my attention that LED's pull more power than cfls(use more electricty, amps, whatever) I am not completely sure if its true but I believe my mate. So I did a bit of searching and found a cfl grow light on the cheap;
This is going to be for my tent I used on the last grow(feel free to check out my journals may take a bit of searching for some reason) the difference between the last grow and this grow however is now I have two tents and a mate helping me out with things. The veg tent is only a 2x4x5 so im thinking the 125W cfl should be enough to light it up, ive also got a 4 ft long 2 bulb t5 fixture I use for seedlings I could put in there as well.

or I can get this floro

Not sure which one to get really, I am leaning towards the cfls however because of the price and i would assume it covers more sq ft.
I picked up some of subcools genetics, nowadays him, greenhouse seed co, and dutch passion as well. Ive got 1 jilly bean reg, 1 pandoras box reg, and 2 og kush regs. Fuck the fems ahaha. Maybe ill make a cross of pandoras box and og kush.... sounds interesting. And I am going to be mainlining the ladies this time around as opposed to scrog or sog.:mrgreen: I've realized that I am getting better at this as I go along, and I am by no means a pro, i would hardly consider myself novice at this point. However when I get a few more years under my belt and a few pounds of dank bud perhaps have a line of unique strains with my mate. We plan to eventually open up a delivery dispensary service, got some big dreams guys im just working my way up from the bottom kiss-ass

I am going to be taking a horticultural class this year at my local JC, so yay for education, the more you know hahahaha. I don't know why I randomly went into my life story there I guess I'm getting ready for the next journal...too tired lol. :eyesmoke:
peace and pot
Cali :joint:


Well-Known Member
The downside to CFLs is that they need to be replaced every 2 grows or so. The light they emit will still be good for lighting a room, but not for growing plants after that point. I use CFLs anyways because I'm an "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it" type of person, so it's really up to you.


Active Member
Ok if you're tryna save money. First things first. I'm in no way putting down horticultural classes or whatever, but if you're tryna save money, DO NOT waste it on those classes. I've learned I believe 80% of my shit from this forum. Yeah not everyones great, but just from looking up old threads (some even from 08) and what not. And if you want more, you can read books, watch a lot of videos. Tbh though, you learn a lot more from seeing other peoples grows and see that everythings not so black and white. You have to flush, you have to have darkness before harvest, goes on and on and on. I mean I'm not saying ignore them, b/c some are more important than others, but that's up to you to decide in the end. Anyways, back to the problem at hand...

So generally, the rule of thumb is 50w/square feet. By no means do you always need that, b/c every grow is diff, and super circumstantial. Eg, is it stealth, if not, than can you cool the lights in that box and what have you. But lets say you want that 50w/foot2 then that puts you at 400~ I think. BUT, 125w isn't terrible if you're doing that for veg, or mother plant. If you're tryna flower with a 125w CFL in a 2x4, mmm... it's not gonna be bad, but it won't be great imo. And if you do choose to go that path, I think it's a lot better to put five 23w CFLs. I think that's the only way that CFL grows can be on par with HPS grows. You place them everywhere, to get as much light coverage as possible. So yeah, the 125w isn't bad, but don't expect much from just that one bulb. If you have the means to cool a 150w HPS with a built in ballast, you should get that. It's only about $15~ more, and it'll be a lot better imo. But if you say you can build an LED light, (idk how hard it is) I'm pretty sure you can rig yourself up a nice 250-400W HPS with a cooltube. In the end, I think it's just about the lumens really. That's why HPS is preferred. More lumens per watt. If you somehow magically find a 16k lumen 125w CFL go for it lol.

As for the LED pulling out more energy than anything else I think is false. Watts are watts. 150 watts of CFLs or LEDs will consume the exact same amount of energy as 150 watts of HPS. The only thing that changes is how much electricity you use to cool or accommodate the grow area.

Sorry for the wall of text, good luck!


Well-Known Member
Me personally, I think you'd be better off with the T5, I have one and get decent grows with it, I believe that the T5 covers a larger area than that cfl, at least that's what I believe, that cfl's size I think is only 18" total encluding hood, the bulb is smaller, whereas the T5 is 24", I may be wrong.


Active Member
Ok if you're tryna save money. First things first. I'm in no way putting down horticultural classes or whatever, but if you're tryna save money, DO NOT waste it on those classes. I've learned I believe 80% of my shit from this forum. Yeah not everyones great, but just from looking up old threads (some even from 08) and what not. And if you want more, you can read books, watch a lot of videos. Tbh though, you learn a lot more from seeing other peoples grows and see that everythings not so black and white. You have to flush, you have to have darkness before harvest, goes on and on and on. I mean I'm not saying ignore them, b/c some are more important than others, but that's up to you to decide in the end. Anyways, back to the problem at hand...

So generally, the rule of thumb is 50w/square feet. By no means do you always need that, b/c every grow is diff, and super circumstantial. Eg, is it stealth, if not, than can you cool the lights in that box and what have you. But lets say you want that 50w/foot2 then that puts you at 400~ I think. BUT, 125w isn't terrible if you're doing that for veg, or mother plant. If you're tryna flower with a 125w CFL in a 2x4, mmm... it's not gonna be bad, but it won't be great imo. And if you do choose to go that path, I think it's a lot better to put five 23w CFLs. I think that's the only way that CFL grows can be on par with HPS grows. You place them everywhere, to get as much light coverage as possible. So yeah, the 125w isn't bad, but don't expect much from just that one bulb. If you have the means to cool a 150w HPS with a built in ballast, you should get that. It's only about $15~ more, and it'll be a lot better imo. But if you say you can build an LED light, (idk how hard it is) I'm pretty sure you can rig yourself up a nice 250-400W HPS with a cooltube. In the end, I think it's just about the lumens really. That's why HPS is preferred. More lumens per watt. If you somehow magically find a 16k lumen 125w CFL go for it lol.

As for the LED pulling out more energy than anything else I think is false. Watts are watts. 150 watts of CFLs or LEDs will consume the exact same amount of energy as 150 watts of HPS. The only thing that changes is how much electricity you use to cool or accommodate the grow area.

Sorry for the wall of text, good luck!
Id be happy to hear all of your harvest tips, I have pretty much all the other aspects down and well researched aside from that and I really am having trouble finding good info. I know when to harvest and all that jazz and I know about flushing but elaborate more on this period of darkness? Anything else I should know ? I am going to be harvest 2 plants this week and I have been flushing them for 3 days, the flush shouldnt take more than a day or two really... I only ever used 1/4 strength nutes and 1/2 strength at most every 1-3 waterings. Now I am flushing both plants for 3 days each then letting them dry out for the next 3, maybe i will turn the lights off for the last 3 days? I also have my AC run 2 hours after my lights turn off, makes my buds a little purple tinge and purple spots...nice bag appeal. Thanks a million for the input man no worries I can read pretty fast and I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to help me out. Awesome, love learning new rules of thumbz, means I am doing more right the next time around(more bud, more chronic). Nah it's all MMJ man the only thing I am really worried about is neighbors, although I live in quite a secluded neighborhood I do have one neighbor...I wont go into detail but he is annoying(this douche puts speed bumps after his driveway[its a one way windy road going up a mountain with driveways going up the side] so that only me and an 85 year old lady have to go over these CRAZY ass speed bumps its ridiculous my car bottoms out on it every day!) You are correct on the wattage for my dimensions a while back on this site someone turned me onto a lumens chart and I dialed it out for my tent and my 400W is cooled with a 75cfm inline fan. And as I said this is the veg tent I have a separate tent with a 400w hps for flower. Thanks for the advice in that case ill just get this;

It says it comes with an hps does that mean I can use a MH bulb for that fixture?

if you have any little tips or anything youd like to share feel free, the more you know.
Cali :joint:


Active Member
The downside to CFLs is that they need to be replaced every 2 grows or so. The light they emit will still be good for lighting a room, but not for growing plants after that point. I use CFLs anyways because I'm an "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it" type of person, so it's really up to you.
Hahaha I am much the same way but if cfls are using same amount of power ill just use a HID light.


Active Member
That HPS doesn't support MH bulbs I believe. Most 150w HPS with a built in ballast usually don't to my knowledge. One thing though, those things run pretty hot, b/c you can't have the ballast part outside. I mean I guess you could, but you know... And I read somewhere that one of the popular 150w HPS, maybe SunSystem or something uses a lot more energy than stated. I can't really remember how or what it was, but it might be worth looking into.

And my bad, didn't see that you said a veg tent. Too much broccoli lol... But yeah, if you're using it as a veg tent, I wouldn't recommend an HPS. For veg you normally want a blue spectrum (6500k) light. I've heard good thing with MH (being an HID) but the biggest con seems to be that they run a little hotter? T5s are always good, like someone stated earlier. They cover a larger area, and are great for almost anything as a supplemental light. A combo of the T5, and a bunch of 23w CFLs would be perfect.

As for the harvesting and flushing, I honestly feel like it's a lot of hearsay. Really circumstantial. For example, if you have organics, you prob don't really need to flush. And people have stated good results without the flush. Just cure properly and shits solid. But then again, I'm not really sure if the flush is more for the smoothness of the smoke, or just a health precaution... Like someone said, this whole flushing debate is almost like religion, but with cannabis. Only way you'll know for yourself is harvest one with flushing, and one without. See how it turns out. And for everything else about harvest, I actually don't know that much about the whole process, b/c like I said earlier, I've read a million diff ways to harvest your bud and I can't really tell which ones more reliable. So I'm gonna let someone with a bit more experience and knowledge chime in on that.

Best of luck!


Active Member
That HPS doesn't support MH bulbs I believe. Most 150w HPS with a built in ballast usually don't to my knowledge. One thing though, those things run pretty hot, b/c you can't have the ballast part outside. I mean I guess you could, but you know... And I read somewhere that one of the popular 150w HPS, maybe SunSystem or something uses a lot more energy than stated. I can't really remember how or what it was, but it might be worth looking into.

And my bad, didn't see that you said a veg tent. Too much broccoli lol... But yeah, if you're using it as a veg tent, I wouldn't recommend an HPS. For veg you normally want a blue spectrum (6500k) light. I've heard good thing with MH (being an HID) but the biggest con seems to be that they run a little hotter? T5s are always good, like someone stated earlier. They cover a larger area, and are great for almost anything as a supplemental light. A combo of the T5, and a bunch of 23w CFLs would be perfect.

As for the harvesting and flushing, I honestly feel like it's a lot of hearsay. Really circumstantial. For example, if you have organics, you prob don't really need to flush. And people have stated good results without the flush. Just cure properly and shits solid. But then again, I'm not really sure if the flush is more for the smoothness of the smoke, or just a health precaution... Like someone said, this whole flushing debate is almost like religion, but with cannabis. Only way you'll know for yourself is harvest one with flushing, and one without. See how it turns out. And for everything else about harvest, I actually don't know that much about the whole process, b/c like I said earlier, I've read a million diff ways to harvest your bud and I can't really tell which ones more reliable. So I'm gonna let someone with a bit more experience and knowledge chime in on that.

Best of luck!
Yeah I have a 400W mh/hps and I was surprised to realize that MH ran a little hotter. Would t5 and cfl lights have the same rate of growth as a 100W mh light? and going back on those LEDs I believe it was amps they said it used less amps. I feel like my t5 light grows them extremely slow, i have a clone under a t5 for a week and it shows literally no visible signs of growth except some of the nodes enlarging, under my MH for a week ive got like a few new nodes and branches coming in lol.

edit: yeah thats one thing I got to thinking about, was thinking i could get an inline fan and connect it to like a cardboard box and put the vents of the light in the box and tape it up so its sucking all the hot air out before it gets into the tent, you think this would work?

edit2(i talk alot): if you are saying that the t5s and cfls would be perfect why not just grab that 150W cfl light with hood i posted originally and couple it with my t5?