Trying to help the new guys!

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
Well I wrote this trying help someone start growing, because they literally had no idea how to! I know most of the people on here already know how to grow, but if your new I hope this helps!

**This is all based on my opinion, and by no means is fact**

Alright if you need help, heres kinda a list on what ya need to do.

1. Research, Research, Research! Ive been grwoing for about a 1/2 year now but I grow plants better than half of the people who grow for a living, thats because all I did and still do is research. You can never know enough!

2. What kind of lights are you going to use?

Well the best choice would to be to buy a HID High Intensity Discharge Lamps, they have 2 types Metal Halide which is mostly blue spctrum (Color of the light coming off the bulb) you may not think it looks very blue but your plants only use certain things in light, it doesnt pick up all of the light it gets. The HPS which puts off a red spectrum which is better for flowering. These two lights put out a lot of light with using not very much power, a 1000w's my sound like a lot but the light coming off of it, is damn near close to the sun! These lights are quite expensive though and hard to use in small areas because of the heat the put off, but there is ways to take almost all the heat off the lamps, just costs money, but if you have the room I would say go with these. Then you have florecents, in my opinoin I would never use the tubes... Ever, unless they're t5's(Thoses are High Output flourecents but expensive once again).. But cfl's I would say is the best bet, they put out a good amount of light and have awsome spectrum advantages over HID.
Now remember this! Red spectrum Lights are used in flowering, to find out if the red or blue spectrum you can do 2 things, either look for cool white on the package or Kelivn Temp on cool white it should say something like 3000k, thats red... For blue you want to look for something like Daylight bulb, or Kevin Temp 6500k on cfl's and MH should be about 5500k, both of those are blue spectrum. People get confused when you say what color of light, but remember your plant decideds what light it wants to use, it does not use anywhere close to all the light that is touching it. Example, your plant will use a lot more light if it was under a 6500k cfl than it would if you were using a 5500k HID, but the HID also puts out about 10x times more light per watt than a cfl so its not as much usable light just a lot more light which help with penitrating the canopy and getting light to lower branches, so it depends on your prefrence.

3. What type of medium are you going to grow in?

For your first time I would say use a a soiless media, its like soil but its made with material that retain water better and has nothing to do with compost or any other animals crap, I think everything in there comes from rocks and peat moss and mabye cocco coir, but its nothing like dirt or soil, and the medium has much better aireation that soil does, you can buy this at any hydro shop or online if you wana pay for shipping. If you dont have anything like that avalible just go with soil but remember to mix a 1:1 ratio of perlite to soil to keep your soil for clumping up or suffocating your roots... Or if you want to go straight into hydro you have Hydroton which are those redish lookin rock balls, rockwool which are those weird lookin blocks or slabs you grow in, has one of the best water to air ratio. But can wreck your lungs when its dry so be careful!

4. Nutereints

This is based on your personal oppinion, I know everybody used there on nutes. But you should go with a system that is a 3 part nutereint. That means it will have a Grow (Nitrogen) Micro (Vitamins) and a Bloom (Phosphate, Potash I think.....) bottle, with these kind of systems you add different amounts of each bottle depending on what stage your in, they will always have something telling you how much and when. Also your going to want to buy some pH strips or some kind of tester, the best pH for cannabis I think is 6.5-7.0 but I personally run a little lower at about 6.0, your going to need to but a pH up and pH down which is about 10 bucks. But rememeber when using soil dont use nuterients for at 6 weeks or you run a chance of killin them or stressin them with nuterient burn. They can only handle so much nutetreints at one time. If your not using soil, then dont use nutes for at least 3 weeks after they have popped up from the ground, because they have a food storage they use to begin their life.

**This is all my opinion, im not putting anybody down on the way they grow, this is just to help out someone who may need it**