trying to grow in seattle

i live a few city's from Seattle i live in Everett there is a really big Forest next to house it's my first time growing outside what strains do you think would we the best to grow outside the reason im asking this Question is because i lived here for 10 years and i know how the weather is here it doesn't get warm until june,july

I prefer someone from washington to answer or someone who know the weather here

what strains should i use ?

when should i plant it?


Active Member
Im not from washington or anything but my suggestion would be to possibly buy seeds from a breeder who only operates ABOVE your area and to look for strains they themselves can grow outdoors. I know theres a breeder in vancouver with strains that finish in time outdoors in canada so they should be able to finish in time for you, although as i said im not from the area so idk your exact climate :)

Not A Game

Well-Known Member
Born and raised and still here. Washington weather is unpredictable as fuck. I personally don't think it is ideal. Especially seedlings and for the first month, I believe they could easily be flooded and washed away as it rains A LOT here. If you must, I'd say start some fast growing plants around July or even August at the peak of summer. There really is only barely 2 months of real summer before it gets cold again. I wouldn't know what strains to use as I am a new grower myself. Indoor is the way to go IMO. Controlled environment.