Trying to find My next stain.


Hey people I am looking for another good strain to further my growing experience I just started growing about 8 months ago and my first strain was feminized Ak 48 and I am thinking this will be the last of it due to me just starting out and learning and someone breaking in and stealing my mother plants I am down to clones that i have clipped from a flowering plant and i am tring to re veg them but from what i heard it is really hard to reveg a buding clone but i decided to give it a shot anyways but just in case i am looking for a diffrent strain to start does anyone have any good sugestions here are my specs
Nutes Basic-Floral A-B Advanced Big Bud,Bud Candy and Overdrive
Light Lummen-150 watt hps fixture with 16,000 lumens + 2 2" T5 Flourecent tubes at 2500 lumens + 4 20 watt cfl bulbs daylight spectrum at 1200 lumens a piece for a total of 46,600 lummens of light that is 4 to 6 inches from the top of my canopy which i am trying to keep it at about 3 feet tall.
Room temp 75-80 Degree with the light on and 60 -65 degrees with light off
humidity is in between 65%-75%.In My grow room i can fit 5-6 flowering plant into my room that are my ideal size at now that you guys have an idea on what im working with do anyone have any recomended strains for my conditions I buy from narvina.