trump's concentration camps for kids


Well-Known Member
Actually I burped (inadvertently) down into Rand's face at a political rally his dad had about 10 or 11 years ago. I'm about 3 feet taller than the pipsqueak.

A friend and I attended and had already consumed a couple beers...unfortunately my "conversation" with Rand during the milling around and gab with Ron Paul's family part, began with a belch. It's not like I shit on the floor or anything though, Poopy Pants.
you went to a political rally for a guy with how own section on stormfront


Well-Known Member
I think you might have made that up. I don't own a store, so where would I get the right to control another persons property / store?
not only would you kick a black person out of a store because of their skin color, you would then claim victim status and claim he was "aggressing" you with "offensive force" similar to rape or slavery

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
not only would you kick a black person out of a store because of their skin color, you would then claim victim status and claim he was "aggressing" you with "offensive force" similar to rape or slavery
I'd support a black person if he didn't want to interact with you on his own property and be forced to use his body to serve you against his will.

How about you? If a black guy told you, you weren't welcome at his property, would you respect his wishes ? Or would you get a gun / pass a law and force him to serve you ?

What is it with people like you who want to use guns to force people to serve them anyway? Did somebody forcibly use duct tape on you ? Is that where this anger and control freak stuff comes from?


Well-Known Member
I'd support a black person if he didn't want to interact with you on his own property and be forced to use his body to serve you against his will.

How about you? If a black guy told you, you weren't welcome at his property, would you respect his wishes ? Or would you get a gun / pass a law and force him to serve you ?

What is it with people like you who want to use guns to force people to serve them anyway? Did somebody forcibly use duct tape on you ? Is that where this anger and control freak stuff comes from?
no one is forced to serve anyone because no one is forced to run a store.

not only would you kick a black person out of a store because of their skin color, you would then claim victim status and claim he was "aggressing" you with "offensive force" similar to rape or slavery

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
no one is forced to serve anyone because no one is forced to run a store.

not only would you kick a black person out of a store because of their skin color, you would then claim victim status and claim he was "aggressing" you with "offensive force" similar to rape or slavery

Your claim of nonexistent force can't be held together by that cheap reusable duct tape with female ass hairs stuck in it "logic" you attempt, so don't even try.

So if a person owns property, they aren't ever forced to seek permission to do X with their property ?


Well-Known Member
Your claim of nonexistent force can't be held together by that cheap reusable duct tape with female ass hairs stuck in it "logic" you attempt, so don't even try.

So if a person owns property, they aren't ever forced to seek permission to do X with their property ?
you are deteriorating into word salad again, pedophile

not only would you kick a black person out of a store because of their skin color, you would then claim victim status and claim he was "aggressing" you with "offensive force" similar to rape or slavery


Well-Known Member
i knew you were a fucking idiot
Bucky I was twenty or so, and a U.S. Army service member. I'm amazed I was so anti-authoritarian at all.

People grow Buck, in the time I was away from this forum I finished my undergrad and started grad school. Now I research far-Right ideologies and teach courses on choice architecture and human sexuality.

Sorry I can't be a gold star Centrist like you. I'm only what you helped make me Buck, a filthy, filthy Leftie. Keep making excuses for your politicians Buck.

Want to compare political street cred tho?

Want to discuss, civilly, why Leftists AND Righties hate people like you? I'd love to have a voice conversation with you but I'm sure you are to comfy to do that.

DEBATE ME BRO. I'll debunk your Neoliberal ass with my citations tied behind my back.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm against anyone calling your mom a bitch and kicking her out their public store because she is a female. How come you are not ?
When you say public store, you really mean a piece of property alleged to be privately owned but really controlled by the government don't you?


Well-Known Member
When you say public store, you really mean a piece of property alleged to be privately owned but really controlled by the government don't you?
if the person who owned the store decided to make it a private one, would the government be able to stop him from doing so?


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you are deteriorating into word salad again, pedophile

not only would you kick a black person out of a store because of their skin color, you would then claim victim status and claim he was "aggressing" you with "offensive force" similar to rape or slavery
No, I wouldn't kick a person out of a store, because I don't own a store, therefore I have no right to determine what other people do with their property / store.

Nor do I have a right to force anyone to serve me or serve anyone else if they'd prefer not to. What would you do to a person who didn't want to serve you? Would you respect their wishes or pass a law that okays using a gun to make an unwilling person serve you?

You are easier than that large breasted teen I banged when I was a lad. We didn't have a Wendy's back then to defecate on the floors like you did when you were a teen, so we just smoked weed and fucked in the woods, consensually of course.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
if the person who owned the store decided to make it a private one, would the government be able to stop him from doing so?
If it's owned, it's ALREADY private property, or saying it is owned, when others control it as if they owned it, makes your question based in a fraudulent form from the onset.

While I certainly don't own you, I am owning you now, loser.


Well-Known Member
This piece from Investors Business Daily made me chuckle (probably because buck lost his shit all weekend over this story):
Lost Children? Detention Cages? Baby Prison Bus? Trump's Critics Will Believe Anything

  • 5/29/2018
Trump Derangement Syndrome: Over the long weekend, President Trump's critics were in a sputtering rage over his supposedly losing 1,500 illegal immigrant children, sticking them in cages, and putting others on specially equipped prison buses. Turns out, it was all 100% bogus.

On Sunday, photos of children laying inside a chain-link fence cage starting flying around the internet. New York Times Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein forwarded it to his followers, saying that "all of these photos are disturbing, but the first two are especially awful."

CNN's Hadas Gold described the pictures as "First Photos of separated migrant children at holding facility."

Outrage quickly followed.

"This is happening right now," said former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau. "Speechless. This is not who we are as a nation," said Antonio Villaraigosa, who is running for California governor. Actress Rosanna Arquette called it a "sick crime against Humanity"

Turns out the photos were taken in 2014 — when, ahem, President Obama was in the White House, a fact that nobody bothered to check before blowing a gasket. Once word of that fact got out, many of these same people deleted their tweets, rather than admit that the "sick crime" happened under their beloved Obama.

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Next, there was a picture showing a bus outfitted with child safety seats being used at an ICE family detention center in Karnes County, Texas. ABC Houston reporter Antonio Arellano tweeted the picture on Sunday, describing it as "a prison bus just for babies."

Again, outrage ensued.

"Unconscionable and inhumane, "said Texas Sen. Sylvia Garcia. "This is what we've come to under Donald Trump," said Stephen King. Others tweeted: "your new gestapo at work," "this is what fascism looks like," "we live in a dark period of American history," "moral abomination." Etc., etc.

Oops. Turns out this picture, too, was taken when Obama was president. And, the bus was actually used to take the children on field trips to places like the San Antonio Zoo, a nearby park, the movies, as well as for medical treatment and court appointments.

So much for the Trump-era inhumane prison bus for babies.

'Lost' Children
Finally, there was the story flying around over the weekend about how the Trump administrationhad "lost" almost 1,500 illegal immigrant children who'd been "ripped" from their parents after crossing the border.

That sparked yet out another round of hair-pulling outrage.

"What is more shameful than forcibly separating, in America, parents from infant children at the border? And then, losing track of those children?" Preet Bhara, former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, tweeted.

Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro said that "when I think about the 1500 lost children … I come back to the same thought: If we can't stop this in America we can't stop it anywhere."

Turns out the children hadn't been "forcibly" taken away from their parents, and they weren't lost, either.

As the New York Times explained on Monday, these children didn't come across the southwest border with their parents, they came across illegally on their own. As the Times explains, the children in question are part of the government's long-standing relocation program for "unaccompanied alien children," in which the children get released to sponsor families.

'Lost' By Obama
Back in 2008, the inspector general for the Health and Human Services department noted that HHS and Homeland Security weren't regularly checking in on these children to make sure they were doing OK with their sponsor families. So, HHS started following up with the sponsors 30 days after the children's release.

But, as the IG noted in a follow-up July 2017 report, HHS doesn't always succeed in its attempts to reach the sponsors. It reported that in the first half of 2016, HHS couldn't reach 16% of the 25,975 children placed with sponsors during those months.

In other words, under President Obama, the government "lost" 4,156 illegal immigrant children in just the first six months of 2016!

Anyone recall anyone complaining about the inhumanity of this when it was happening under Obama? Of course not.

Trump's critics are increasingly behaving like reckless, irresponsible, childish, hate-filled, divisive, uninformed scaremongers who will believe anything that makes Trump look bad. In other words, they are showing themselves to be everything they accuse Trump of being.
Yeah I've seen this damage control by Trumpists already.

The thing is, HHS wasn't prepared for the influx of kids during Obama's tenure and they most certainly aren't now with that bone head Carson in charge. The difference this time is kids are going to be separated from parents under Trump. Petitioning for asylum is legal yet Trump plans to arrest everybody for a legal act of requesting asylum and then will take kids away from parents. That did not happen during the Obama administration. It's completely against every sensible thought.

If HHS loses more kids it will be on the head of conservatives like you.


Well-Known Member
Google images : A boy from Honduras watches a movie at a detention facility run by the US Border Patrol on Sept. 8, 2014 in McAllen, Texas. (John Moore/Getty Images)

You got anything except lies? You have no credibility. This place is fucked if they allow bullshit like this asshole.
Is HHS ready for Trump's ICE agents taking children away from parents and turning them over to the same agency that lost 1500 kids in their care? Carson has already cut the budget and mismanaged the organization to the point of dysfunction. How are they going to do a better job this time around?


Well-Known Member
Google images : A boy from Honduras watches a movie at a detention facility run by the US Border Patrol on Sept. 8, 2014 in McAllen, Texas. (John Moore/Getty Images)

You got anything except lies? You have no credibility. This place is fucked if they allow bullshit like this asshole.
welcome new member!

do you have any comment on the new trump policy of separating legal asylum seekers from their 18 month old toddlers and putting them into concentration camps for toddlers indefinitely?