trump lies (or has dementia)


Well-Known Member
You are still a slow learner though. There's no chance that you will ever be as successful as Donald Trump. More than likely your hatred for Donald Trump is out of jealousy. No I'm not a Donald Trump supporter. Unlike you I think for myself. I have not been programmed like you to blindly follow. Now that you have been triggered let's hear your response. Please try and think before you post. Let's hear something intelligent I don't care if a word was spelled wrong please something intelligent.
Hello CheetohFlunky!


Well-Known Member
No I don't. All I know is none of those people in government give a damn about us it's all a bunch of bullshit. I mean are you kidding me? All they are trying to do is get votes and stay in power and then when they get in there they are all paid off and nothing is done for the people.
Half truth.

1. The people may be mislead, but they are also to blame for not putting in the effort to be effective, responsible citizens.

2. Some politicians are trying to do the right thing for the people. Most of them are Democrats.