True or False?


Well-Known Member
False, been at the ER half the damn night and sick as hell

Np has all their Christmas shopping done


Well-Known Member
False none of it is done!

So your saying being at the hospital is fun?

NP - Drank at least 4 cups of coffee this morning


Well-Known Member
Not fun but it certainly wasn't boring, I was to sick to care either way really..

False only 2

Np smokes as soon as they wake up


Well-Known Member
False I dont even smoke weed

NP touched their own poo in toilet when they were a kid just to see what it felt like.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
False. If you're going to butt chug wine you might as well get the good stuff, sort of make an occasion out of it.

Next poster saves their various bodily fluids in little jars down in the basement.


Well-Known Member
False. If you're going to butt chug wine you might as well get the good stuff, sort of make an occasion out of it.

Next poster saves their various bodily fluids in little jars down in the basement.
That is true still got my first Loogie

NP has used the stranger from down under masturbation technique


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, don't know what that is so could be true or false.

NP always bumps their shopping cart up on the curb instead of returning


Well-Known Member
Nope, won't leave one & I always try to bring in at least one on my way in.
The poor old dude that is chasing them in hurricane weather is getting minimum wage at best.
I feel for him.

NP is wearing socks only.
False! Im butt nekked in sunny california!!

NP is a porn addict