Trimming those leaves, and DIY c02


Active Member
So I ended up pruning off a few leaves even though I told myself I wasn't going to this time around..but tucking the leaves just wasn't cutting it. I also added a DIY yeast based C02 generator which I'm excited about. I have it rigged so a tube is running from the bottle right into the middle of the plant where there are some short tops growing in from LST'ing.
I was thinking about doing a lot more c02 supplementing when more room opens up in my space..I'm just waiting on a few plants to show sex and after I ditch the males I think I'm going get a couple more bottles and a bunch more yeast and really load the room up with c02.


Active Member
Co2 is good for a sealed environment, not sure if yours is or not.

If its not sealed and has decent air flow you likely have enough with out supplementing.

Also I'd leave the tubing a little above the canopy. Co2 is heavier than air and will work its way down through the plant this way.


Active Member
Yea its rigged so its falling right onto my plant. My room isn't sealed ait-tight but I figured some c02 wouldn't hurt, I had the stuff just laying around the house. I did a lot of research and I figured, yeast based c02 generators aren't effective when using them to try to raise PPM in the air but work wonders when you have it rigged up so it's just dumping c02 directly onto the plant