Trigger flowering outdoors?


Active Member
So im just starting up a couple of plants and me and my buddies have been talking about the whole process and it seems that everything should go very well, the only thing im wondering is how i could get my plants to flower earlier. I know normally with outdoor plants you just leave them and eventually they flower on their own towards fall, but that way id end up with a 6 foot plant, which although i would love, i dont think i can get away with. So what im wondering is if there is anyway to make them flower sooner(i only want the plant to be maybe 3 foot max by the end). The only idea we could think of is put some kind of box over to simulate the type of 12-12 lighting period most indoor growers use to trigger flowering. ANY ideas are helpful. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Your best bet is training/pruning your plant to grow shorter, bushier and closer to the ground or starting your grow op later in the year. Inducing flowering outdoors is a pain in the ass, and involves tending to your plant every day during flowering. If you're doing a gorilla grow it really increases your chances of getting caught.


Active Member
i have the same problem, but some people suggested that i put a black garbage bag over it, but leaving the bottom open for ventilation and oxygen flow. i have yet to try it so i dont know if it works but it seems like it could


Active Member
AlphaNoN, thanks for the advice i probably will be pruning/training my plants, and khronic420 that seems like it would definetly work if youre doin that anytime soon let me know how it works out for you.


Well-Known Member
You are going to have to cover/un cover the plants every day at the exact same time. It would work. Ya think ya can do that every day. I think not.


Active Member
well i could, i just really really really dont want to. thats the problem. thats why im lookin for any other ways to go about doin it.


Well-Known Member
If you've got some money to blow, you could look into building a "solar tracker" that moves with the sunlight and will automatically cover your plants in the afternoon.

Here's somebody's homemade setup that looks like it could be adapted for your purposes, the most expensive part will be a solar panel capable of delivering enough power:
My Homemade Solar Tracker

But instead of following the sun you'd want it to slide a large box (like a waterproofed refrigerator box) over your plant at the same time each day.


Active Member
also does anyone know anything about moving plants from outdoor vegging to indoor for flowering? thats another small possibility i have but i dont know if that would do any damage to the plant with the whole change in lighting


Active Member
well that would be real awesome to have, but it looks complicated as hell and i dont think a solar panelled refrigerator would blend in too well with nature haha


Well-Known Member
also does anyone know anything about moving plants from outdoor vegging to indoor for flowering? thats another small possibility i have but i dont know if that would do any damage to the plant with the whole change in lighting
well that would be real awesome to have, but it looks complicated as hell and i dont think a solar panelled refrigerator would blend in too well with nature haha
Yeah you can bring your plants inside for controlled flowering, they might suffer a bit of stress from the move and lower light intensity, but they should survive.

And I was just talking about a cardboard fridge box, not an actual refrigerator lol.. it could be camouflaged, but would still be pretty suspicious, but big black bags on your plants are pretty suspicious too.. so yeah..


Active Member
Dude I think if you can,tie them down and let them grow. Your going to train the plant this way to grow wider and not taller and your buds will be exposed to more sunlight. Thats the way I would go. Be patient and let nature do its thing. Otherwise if your so keen on harvesting buds in a short period of time you know the answer. INDOOR HYDRO. Good luck.


Active Member
ok sorry i havent gotten back to this in a while, havent had much time, but thanks for all the input.. and i get what you mean now Alphanon hahah i was pretty sure you didnt actually mean a refridgerator, but yeah either way its gunna look kinda suspicious but the spots very well hidden so i think itd be ok. I probably wont be doing that though it just seems like way to much of a hassle might just have my two outdoor plants and then a couple indoors at my brothers place. As for the the tieing down idea i was already thinking about that and i probably will do that. Sorry khronic420 but i cant seem to find any ideas besides having to go uncover and cover it with something everyday, let me know if you find somethin.

One last question though, the smaller the container the smaller the plant will grow correct??


Active Member
no one has quite toldme an answer on this but what if you put a piece of wood, or something a few feet high and place if a few feet west or east of the plant, the plant would be getting shade for a few more hours so couldnt that induce force flowering?


Active Member
ya i was thinking about that too.
maybe just putting it in the shade would work.
thats what im trying.
i mean it still gets UV light just not nearly as much.

any ideas?

Well-Known Member
you can shade them with blackout cloth,or black trash bag,though this(trashbag) can restrict respiration."my freind" has caged buckets which lend themselves nicely to shrouding. I'd leave them on 13hr.dark to be sure.then you can daisy chain your harvest.


Well-Known Member
why dont u just let them be outside for 12hours of sunlight then move them to ur closet with a fan on them with no lights and just keep repeatng the process



Active Member
well for some people like myself bringing them inside isnt an option, and plus mine will be in the ground. but wont shade from a piece of wood or something be sufficient

Well-Known Member
i have the same problem, but some people suggested that i put a black garbage bag over it, but leaving the bottom open for ventilation and oxygen flow. i have yet to try it so i dont know if it works but it seems like it could
that's exactly what my'avatar' sgt.kahneohe is getting at this moment. she's 'due' 6-15-08, for the 1st.harvest (I sure love cali!).I'll just trim the buds to leave as much stem, and all fan leaves for round 2 sometime before labor day. the rest are vegging. I'll daisy chain them, for multiple harvest times.