Tried to clean some soap bar hash


Well-Known Member
It seems to be shittier than before since it's not even doing any effect.. even though yesterday I was shitfaced so I'm just going to try some more today.

And since you're interested here's the link I read about it from: Soapbar - Just Say No to polluted hash

edit: soapbar hash is the only stuff we get here in malta and it ain't cheap.. 25 euros for a 3.5 gram piece.. we also get leaf which tastes bad and doesn't even get you high


Well-Known Member
you only find soapbar in the UK, they are the only ones who will smoke that trash
ive never met a brit that would choose to smoke soap over bud but gear can get realy hard to get hold of over here at times.
soap is a last resort


Well-Known Member
aye, soap bar! last time i smoked that i was 15. i remember one time my m8 was making a joint and he was crumbling some into a joint, he got to a point where he could pull bits of plastic out,lol!

yak, ive only smoked green since. even though most of the time thats shit as well


Well-Known Member
The way you people keep talking about soapbar makes me think we don't really get soapbar here.. I mean ye it may not be the best quality but we've never pulled bits of plastic or stuff out of it


Well-Known Member
The way you people keep talking about soapbar makes me think we don't really get soapbar here.. I mean ye it may not be the best quality but we've never pulled bits of plastic or stuff out of it
your proly right they also mix it with ketamin which is horse tranqualiser