Tricks before harvest..?? 1st grow as well..

well..just was curious if anybody had any tricks of the trade of what to do prior to harvest..ive heard of a no-light period..dont know too much bout that..and i have been flushing them for about 2 weeks now with just straihgt water so think that will do..any other suggestions?? also i just watered them should i let them dry out before cutting, like a few more days under the light or would it matter to cut them today or tomorrow??this is my 1st grow and first some pics of a couple of my ladies...let me know what you guys think..any suggestions or recomendations would be highly appreciated....


there is such a wealth of information on here, you would be better off just using the search method.

one thing is certain though, say thank you before cutting them. they gave their lives for your head.