Transportation tips


Well-Known Member
im heading down to south carolina next week a little unexpectedly, but uh im goin to la guardia in NYC was wondering how it is going thru whats a solid way to conceal my goods?


Well-Known Member
thanks but im goin on an airplane. i dont bother hiding weed in my whip, i just try to drive safe.


Well-Known Member
hahah, yeah it was!!! about 5 years ago, i flew from atlanta to denver and back, and i wanted to take some colorado funk back with me, i wore tighty witeys and wrapped the bud up real tight and like 4 different was only 3 grams of bud and 1 gram of hash...i stuffed it down in the whole by the nuts, put my pants on and went to the airport...luckily for most in country flights you don't see many drug dogs, but i was goin through security, went through metal detect, then they called me aside, i was shitting, dude patting me down all down my legs, upper thigh even, but not the whole balls, through no prob, and once in there's no more security...i just went to bathroom and stashed it deep in my bag...worked great for me once but it takes balls and hope there's no dogs! safer would be fedex overnighting a small package to yourself, done it many times with a buddy in cali....


Well-Known Member
yeah i was thinking somthing a little different im not going to prison. il just have to score somthing off some fuck down there. unless anyone has an idea that dosent involve me shitting balloons.