Transplantting and pot sizes


Well-Known Member
I am wondering if i should up my container size to 5 gallons , and if i should start in a 1 gallon ? i only want to have to transplant once . i used 3 gallons with my grow. now im gonna start 3 aurouras and i have the room in my closet for 3 in bigger pots.
just not sure how to go about it...

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
IMO,yes to the 5 gal. to finish your grow.The size of the container you start in should be big enough to carry you through the veg stage & the plant not being seriously root bound.Transplant & flip to 12\12 works very well for me.I'm considering going to 7 gal. smart pots on my next grow.I had a sativa strain that went 14 weeks to finish last time & it was very root bound & I had a few issues the last couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
good rule of thumb is 1 gallon per month you plan on keeping a plant alive, or 1 gallon per foot of plant. 5 gallon is perfect say if you wind up vegging a month and flower for 2, you have the extra pot space so things dont get jammed up down there during the final stages