transplanting and flowering outdoors

i would love some helpful tips on transplating a plant safely. ive got several that need moved (growing too close and soon2b vunrable to being found) but last time i tried to move a plant it died within a day or so.

and i wonder if anyone knows a good way to flower outdoor plants without waiting until fall. or will they just start budding when they reach the right size?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
you have to harden off the plant so it will survive outside. the strong sun, weather wind etc. etc. start out by putting them outside for a short time and then increase the amount of time everyday until they are used to it.
then it will flower when the days get shorter or you need to cover it up and uncover for 12 hours a day.
my issue comes in which i am not transplanting from pot to pot but from an in ground garden to another in ground garden.
so i cant just pull it out of a container and move it.
next crop ill remember this issue...