Transplant to larger pot?


Active Member

This LA Conf. has been vegged for 5 weeks in a 2 gal smartpot under a 150w HPS + CFLs. Space was limited or it would have been potted up earlier. The plan was to take clones and then put into flower, which was done 1 week ago. There isn't any stretch or new growth at the top which I would expect during the transition. I thought a 2 gal pot would be ok to flower since I was keeping it so small, but now I'm wondering if my LST and supercropping has led to more roots than I thought and the pot is crowded.

The goal is an early harvest than a larger yield since the clones will be coming behind shortly. Do you think the 2 gal pot will support this plant through flower? I feel like based on the stem size that it would yield enough to tie me over to clone harvest, but in my one previous try growth was more vigorous at the top.


btw... this picture wasn't taken in the grow space.

past times

Well-Known Member
I like the lean. How tall is it there? If that is the original pot, then I feel like i would transplant if i had the space. You do it today or tomorrow, and you can flower in a week or 2. MIght make watering a little easier towards then end when she is drinking quickly.


Active Member
Do you think I will stress it switching back to 18/6 after 5 days in 12/12? If not then thats how I'll go. And its about 13".

I really like training the plant this way - supercrop and tie, repeat with each node of new growth, and it makes a nice little horizontal 'clone forest' that I can drop a cfl right down to.


Well-Known Member
I would not switch it back to 18-6 your asking for problems. It will be dormant and you'll lose a couple weeks reverting back to veg as well as increasing the risk of them going hermie on you. And I would move up to a bigger pot.
Since you are only using a 150 w hps you should use a smaller pot, maybe 1 gal, rootbound and then switch your grow style to a sea of perpetual green instead of trying to harvest one or two plants, you are going to have to do at least 10 small plants. this will allow you to grow (essentially) shorter plants, get a faster harvest and bigger yeild. Let the clones veg for 2 weeks under 24 hour light period with cfls. then using the hps to switch from 12/12 for another 7 weeks. making it so you get buds about every three weeks. and a lot of buds! make sure to get a timer so you NEVER miss the light change. otherwise you will see a stunt in growth.
The reasoning behind this is to have less leaves and stem on the plants to focus on such small amounts of lighting, so the buds have more impact. rather than allowing them to stretch and waste a lot of your nutes and time! The Bigger pot is only beneficial if you have more light. such as a 1000w you should use a 5 gal, 600/400w you should be using a 2 gal, anything less you should be using smaller pots and more plants to ensue the space and lighting is being used efficiently!
Just remember to keep the lights at least a foot away because the wavelength isn't as powerful as much brighter bulbs. It will still be in the spectrum around 650 nm for photo synthesis, but the further away the light is from the plant, the more the amplitude of the wavelength will decrease! So bending and cropping is great for more coverage of the light. Also keep a fan bowing directly onto the bulb to keep it from over heating, and wipe the bulb down with a microfiber cloth DAILY to avoid dust build up. depending upon the ballast you can buy large computer fans that will help cool it down
keep the smaller younger plants inward, directly underneath the light. the larger, more mature plants on the outside to absord the lighting from the side. Remember that the best lighting comes from the sides of the bulb. not from the tip. point the fan at the tip!